既然魁北克的獨立問題和加拿大原住民的人權問題都是加拿大言論自由的禁區(參見高曉鬆節目被加方審查一事),那麽談談作為少數族裔群體之一的華人那些懸而不決的離奇命案吧!Chinese Lives Matter As Well!
2013年3 月18日,蒙特利爾山東青年崔曉明在幡然醒悟其私人存款有欺詐嫌疑後3天,“暴病”猝逝,雖然有網友不懈追蹤爆料其背後可能的犯罪黑幕,相關部門以及警方都無動於衷;
2016年2月19日,蒙特利爾華人白領陳慧在失蹤數天後由同居男友報失蹤, “閨蜜”一邊在媒體“緬懷”她,一邊高調懸賞尋下落。警方按照上述知情者提供的“線索”在其居所附近查找,無果;三個月後,陳慧屍體被發現在隻有驅車才能拋棄的地方,此案至今在警方仍然沒有進展;
2016年6月12日,多倫多華裔女子李迎春失蹤,警方先是在黃金救人時間內以工作量太大為由拒絕調看監控錄像;後來又莫名其妙發布一個查找另一女子的通告,表示對受害者還活著有信心。最後在受害人生還渺茫,嫌疑人匿逃的事實情況下,8月11日,加拿大警方發布題為《李迎春案新進展:華裔嫌犯買春 威脅妓女生命》的新聞,對逝者暗潑髒水。
也就是說,當同鄉會籌措了$21,776.81 + ¥4000捐款時,他們也同時聲稱曉明的$25000存款中的多數已找到。究竟是找到存款,還是把捐款“模糊”成找到的存款,沒有人說清!
在魁省,任何組織機構隻有在成立注冊後才能獲得NEQ號,隻有有了NEQ號才能到銀行開戶。 其次,大部分的非盈利組織不能隨意組織捐款,隻有符合政府要求的慈善機構才能募捐,審批嚴格且耗時,不可能在機構成立之前獲得審批。
警方在找到屍體後排除了自殺可能(http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/lucy-hui-chen-body-st-lawrence-1.3577535),並且引用某“閨蜜”的原話:“had ‘already thought of the worst’ after her friend vanished”。說真的,看過閨蜜在陳慧失蹤初期接受采訪錄像的人都看得出來:寄希望於生還的人會說出緬懷的話嗎?另外,當初新聞裏說陳慧“left her home on foot”,而她的屍體被發現在距離她的家很遠的地方。如此看來,當初提供的這一信息顯然是不實之詞,警方沒有追問嗎?http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/spvm-searching-for-montreal-woman-1.3457802
另外,此“閨蜜”先是對媒體說“It’s not like her at all”( 完全不像她的做法)。然後又說,“Guo said she last spoke to Chen on the evening of Feb. 18 and they had plans to play cards together the following day. On that Friday, something came up in Guo’s schedule and she sent her best friend two text messages asking if they could get together instead on Saturday.“She never answered me,” Guo said, adding that “everything seemed OK” 當她們在18號,“傳說中”最後一次電話中商量19號聚會,而19號郭某給陳慧發了兩個短信都沒有得到回複(“She never answered me”),這位“閨蜜”卻對媒體說“everything seemed OK”( 一切都正常)這是什麽邏輯?!警察居然沒有調查!
As Chinese people in Canada, we all have some experiences of barriers to human rights justice to share. The Quebec issue and the Indigenous people’s human rights which are taboo for the Canadian authorities may not interest us, but崔曉明、李建萍、陳慧、李迎春 cases tell us that we may have been joined with the Aboriginal community in the sense of having more and more missing and murdered cases without enough attention paid to the investigation.
崔曉明case: He was found dead on March 18, 2013, allegedly 3 days after he intended to report a scam issue. The NFP organization, Rassemblement de Compatriotes du Shandong started collecting donation under his death on April 13, 2013 with the organization’s bank account (TD BANK, No.: 0361100482625258288) whereas the registration records show that the organization was incorporated on April 16, 2013, incorporated after it obtained a bank account, how true is it? Is it legal? As for the saving ($25,000) under崔曉明’s name that the organization was allegedly trying to recover from unknown source, on April 25, the organization declared that they recovered the majority of the saving, but did not mention from where and how much they recovered it. Meanwhile, they announced that the donation reached $21,776.81 + ¥4000. Did they arrange the donation of which the legitimacy is still in question in order to cover up something illegal? What is clear is that the vice-president of the organization, 劉薇 is in financial business.
李建萍 case: She and her song Xiao Feng Lu have been missing since April 30, 2014, reported by her husband. Two years after, despite the questionable behaviours of the husband discussed on the Internet, the case remains in investigation.
陳慧case: Her missing was reported days after by her boyfriend who lived with her. The police said “she left her home on foot” on February 19, 2016 at midnight. Three months later, her body was found in the St. Lawrence River where only vehicles can reach that far in that circumstance. Did someone lie to the police? Her “friends” offered a $10,000 reward for information but what she talked to the media sounds like mourning for her. Did she know for sure that 陳慧 would not be able to back when she “prayed” for her back? The friend referred 陳慧’s missing as “it’s not like her at all”, however, when she talked about the two messages she sent to 陳慧 without receiving any reply, she said “everything seemed OK”. Did the police question her on this paradox?
李迎春 case: She has been missing since June 12, 2016. According to the media, during the 72-hour golden window for rescue, the police refused to look at the surveillance footage under the pretext of too much work. In July, the police started looking for another woman, a witness, saying that they were looking forward to finding李迎春 alive. Turns out, in August, the investigators said she “is now presumed dead”. Meanwhile, the police discredited the victim and linked her to “women in the sex trade” by announcing, I quote “A 21-year-old man facing a manslaughter charge in connection to the disappearance of a Markham woman now being considered a danger to women in the sex trade, police warn. Jiarui, or Jerry, Tang is wanted on a Canada-wide warrant for manslaughter in connection to the disappearance of Ying Chun (Annie) Li.” https://www.thestar.com/news/crime/2016/08/11/man-wanted-by-police-for-homicide-may-be-threat-to-sex-workers.html
Those cases are instructive and pointed to the very fact that although it is being said “all lives matter”, we Chinese people’s lives in Canada are treated as the aboriginal people, or even worse!