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我們這一代人知道一些血零零的數字,600猶太人,南京30萬人,3年自然災害3000萬人。準不準?  一是天曉得,二是還不能說沒這個數字。因為已經上升到了政治高度。

1960年代,中國有6億8千萬人口,餓死3000萬就是4.4%的人口。   3000萬的數字怎麽來的? 是根據每年的從人口的變化推算出來的。  準不準無所謂,但是它是一個詆毀社會主義製度的重要依據。

大家都知道美國有great depression,當時有餓死的嗎? 肯定有。  餓死多少?  政府沒有公布。  那就是隱瞞了。普世那麽多學者,能說出蘇聯餓死多少,朝鮮餓死多少,中國餓死多少,卻無人能說成美國有多少餓死。 這難到不奇怪嗎?   

有一個數字是,美國餓死700萬 . 按當時美國1億3千萬人口,就是5.4%。   絕對不輸於中國的。當然它絕對不能算作民主社會、或資本主義社會的缺點。 這個不好講。

這700萬的數字怎麽來的? 也是根據每年的從人口的變化推算出來的。  700萬人準不準,天曉得。  但大家不妨看一下一些人的敘述:


 Tracy says:

May 26, 2008 at 11:58 am

I watched a movie in an African American studies class that dealt with people starving in the south during the depression. Wish I could remember the name. One elderly lady told a story she had heard (urban legend?) about a man who worked for the gas company coming to shut off a family’s gas. She begged him to wait until she cooked dinner. She was cooking the family dog.   (美國人多愛自己的狗,這相當於吃死人)

Leila Abu-Saba says:

May 26, 2008 at 1:04 pm

My middle-class grandparents, a preacher and his wife in rural Virginia, survived because their parishioners paid them in produce and proteins: rabbits etc. One time a parishioner gave them a whole bunch of dead rabbits and my grandmother skinned, cooked and canned the lot of them. She kept her canned goods in a crawl space beneath the church altar – sent her boys in and out with the loot – cooler temperatures.

Stitching underpants out of flour sacks. Oranges once a year at Christmas. (這日子,我們小時候也不會是這樣子的)  Making paper “spills” (stove lighter straws) for Christmas presents. Etc. etc.

 Tom Ness says:

May 26, 2008 at 6:06 pm

From my own family’s oral histories:

As for desperate workers being exploited during the Great Depression, the father of a childhood friend told me about a brick factory in Red Bluff, California where laborers would line up at the gate every day for work. The men hired were required to run, not walk, with wheelbarrows full of bricks until they couldn’t run anymore, then they were replaced with the next man in line.  (中國現在好像還沒這麽剝削工人的吧)

February 3, 2010 at 12:10 pm

I have been researching the Depression lately, and have come across this information:

The CCC paid $30 a month, yes. The worker received $5 a month of that amount for spending money. The rest was sent to the worker’s family, for their use. If the worker had no family, it was invested for him until he got out. Even then, that was not much money, but it was a lot more than nothing. (幹一個月$30,隻能拿到$5零花)

As to the deaths from starvation? The various books give anecdotal evidence of it, but rarely address the issue. The ones that do point out that the authorities of the time would not allow starvation to be listed as a cause of death. It had to be some generic term, like ‘heart failure’ or ‘vicissitude’. I guess it looked bad to admit that Americans were starving to death. Do I think they were? Absolutely. How many? There’s really no way to know.  (這個跟中國好像一樣哎,為了不給民主社會摸黑,不要說是餓死的)


美國1930年代餓死7百萬是俄國學者 Boris Borisov 2008年的最新研究成果,而且僅此一家。 -Sic~semper~tyrannis- 給 Sic~semper~tyrannis 發送悄悄話 (626 bytes) () 06/03/2016 postreply 02:17:22

餓死這麽多人,卻沒有統計,是政府失信、還是學術禁區? -勿來三- 給 勿來三 發送悄悄話 勿來三 的博客首頁 (137 bytes) () 06/03/2016 postreply 06:12:08

樓下有個絮絮叨叨不知從哪裏弄來個不真實圖表,還在那裏如獲至寶地津津發揮呢。中國2000年的死亡率(5‰)比今天德國的死亡率(11 -八邊天- 給 八邊天 發送悄悄話 (345 bytes) () 06/03/2016 postreply 03:45:50

德國老人院的死亡率估計比朝鮮幼兒園的死亡率高多了。這說明什麽呢?無非是德國老齡化程度比中國高。 -Sic~semper~tyrannis- 給 Sic~semper~tyrannis 發送悄悄話 (351 bytes) () 06/03/2016 postreply 05:22:11

總而言之,言而總之,未來80年,中國要餓死14.5億人,美國也要餓死3.3億人。 -研究研究- 給 研究研究 發送悄悄話 研究研究 的博客首頁 (106 bytes) () 06/03/2016 postreply 08:47:23



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