關於荷蘭情報局的特工故事. 也與事實不符合. 此人是美國中情局皮特?博維,花名為克裏斯?彼得森,

回答: 習近平為什麽到處撒錢一劍飄塵2015-12-08 20:12:10

於1968年在荷蘭成立了一個“荷蘭馬列主義黨”.   此人曾在7080年代共訪華25次. 此人宣稱他促成了毛和尼克鬆的會麵, 而不是隻印刷了幾份雜誌.  毛中國也很可能利用作為一個傳話筒. 不管事實真相如何,  此人無疑是當年被封鎖的毛中國, 麵向世界的一個渠道.

Boevé has claimed that he helped to facilitate the historic meeting of Richard Nixon and Mao Zedong in 1972. Prior to Nixon's decision to go to China, Boevé was asked by his Chinese contacts as to his views on the possibility of better relations with the United States of America. He took this as a sign that the Chinese government was interested in improving relations between the two countries and passed his information on to the CIA.


