very severe, and require to be resolved through wakening up of common Chinese people. Hoever, a big progress has been made since 1980s in science and technology in China. The gap to the advanced nations like the States has become narrower in particularly in high-tech fields, which should thanks millions of scientists, engineers and technologists in China who have worked so hard under hardship. China is rising as a strong and wealthy nation standing in the east of Asia, suggesting that China is heading to a right direction!
The problmes you pointed out are mostly ascribed to cultural and traditional problmes present over thousands of years in China. However, you have to admit that it is such culture and tradition that have strongly bound China and Chinese people as a unique entity that has last and prospected over thousands of years!
You also have to admit that modern China is lucky to some extent that the GCD or CCP led by Chairman Mao Zedong and his comrades founded the brand new China in 1949, and has led Chinese people to have
started a new rising process in the last 65 years. Now China is the biggest physical economy in the world, with less than 20% population of the world but producing abut 50% goods suppling to the people of this world who have benefited greatly from China.