
來源: 越吃越蒙山人 2014-11-02 08:52:28 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2026 bytes)
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而且,請注意第三段中,FDA要求上市的Gen engineered 食品‘must’必須要與傳統的食物一樣滿足安全的要求。這種評估谘詢過程的目的就是要讓食品safe及lawful, 安全及合法。 如果你認為FDA沒有做到它所聲稱的,別的主流科學家也在不負責任地說謊,鼓勵你去挑戰他們,但要用真實的數據和理論。要是真能讓他們改弦易轍,那真是善莫大焉。謝謝

4. How is the safety of food from a genetically engineered plant evaluated?

Evaluating the safety of food from a genetically engineered plant is a comprehensive process that includes several steps. Generally, the developer identifies the distinguishing attributes of new genetic traits and assesses whether any new material that a person consumed in food made from the genetically engineered plants could be toxic or allergenic. The developer also compares the levels of nutrients in the new genetically engineered plant to traditionally bred plants. This typically includes such nutrients as fiber, protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals. The developer includes this information in a safety assessment, which FDA’s Biotechnology Evaluation Team then evaluates for safety and compliance with the law.

FDA teams of scientists knowledgeable in genetic engineering, toxicology, chemistry, nutrition, and other scientific areas as needed carefully evaluate the safety assessments taking into account relevant data and information.

FDA considers a consultation to be complete only when its team of scientists are satisfied with the developer’s safety assessment and have no further questions regarding safety or regulatory issues. Please see http://www.fda.gov/bioconinventory for a list of completed consultations.


FDA在這裏采用了類似中醫的經驗主義(我不讚同)。這裏沒有對安全性實驗的要求,而且整個過程是基於種子公司自願參加。 -yaowangshanhaiguan- 給 yaowangshanhaiguan 發送悄悄話 yaowangshanhaiguan 的博客首頁 (6 bytes) () 11/02/2014 postreply 09:22:17

好,關於evaluation的用詞是我錯了,在前麵帖子已改正。 -yaowangshanhaiguan- 給 yaowangshanhaiguan 發送悄悄話 yaowangshanhaiguan 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/02/2014 postreply 09:24:06

會用voluntary(自願)而不是mandatory(強製)? -yaowangshanhaiguan- 給 yaowangshanhaiguan 發送悄悄話 yaowangshanhaiguan 的博客首頁 (6 bytes) () 11/02/2014 postreply 09:29:20

在引文的第三段,沒有找到你說的“must”這個詞。 -yaowangshanhaiguan- 給 yaowangshanhaiguan 發送悄悄話 yaowangshanhaiguan 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/02/2014 postreply 09:41:40

看原文第三點, -越吃越蒙山人- 給 越吃越蒙山人 發送悄悄話 越吃越蒙山人 的博客首頁 (905 bytes) () 11/02/2014 postreply 12:41:09



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