不可否認,英國人在香港建立了相當完善的民主和法律係統。 利用現有的係統,香港人完全可以預防和製止任何人在街頭便溺。你們可以要求議員提議立法,象新加坡那樣,把敢於觸犯者送進監獄,或處以萬元以上罰款。如果政府漠視你們的要求,根據現有的民主係統,你們有權遊行示威。可惜好的民主係統需要文明的人民,現在的香港人的選擇是街頭暴力,以暴製暴。圍攻婦孺,拍攝兒童裸照,限製人身自由。你們有要求立法的權力,你們沒有街頭執法的權力!
United States Code, defines child pornography as any visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct involving a minor (someone under 18 years of age). Visual depictions include photographs, videos, digital or computer generated images
Notably, the legal definition of sexually explicit conduct does not require that an image depict a child engaging in sexual activity.
A picture of a naked child may constitute illegal child pornography if it is sufficiently sexually suggestive.
央視有兒童光屁股照是因為法律不健全,在大陸打孩子合法。在法律健全的香港當那幾個香港人從各個角度去拍攝兒童的光屁股時,你們是在犯罪知道嗎?不相信? 參考以下案例:
1. 祖父因擁有自己三歲孫子和其他兒童裸照而入獄
2. 極端案例,父親親吻兒子肚臍的照片被照片衝印店主告發被警方控告。
大陸夫婦因為孩子排隊上廁所時間太長,孩子憋得大哭而讓孩子當街便溺。他們有足夠的理由讓法官原諒他們的在公眾場所暴露罪(public nudity indecency), 那幾個香港青年又有什麽理由讓法官原諒他們的兒童色情製品罪?孩子是被尿憋得,人類不尿會得膀胱病。那幾個香港青年被什麽憋的?會得什麽病?
這些暴民 不忠於法律,稱自己同一祖先的人為蝗蟲,你們是蝗蟲的後代嗎,可謂不孝。見稚齡幼子哀哭而無動於衷,可謂不仁,警察誣蔑闖出暴民人群的母親為嬰兒車為攻擊,可謂不義。暴民們走上街頭不是為遊行立法,而是為了玩弄一坨坨的假大便,可謂寡廉鮮恥。
Hong Kong is a Sin City! 香港已經成為罪惡之城!
1. ALEIGH, N.C. — Imagine going to jail for showing playful affection toward your baby. Now cleared, Charbel and Teresa Hamaty say that is exactly what happened to them.
Police charged the Hamatys last August with child abuse, accusing Charbel Hamaty of sexual assault on the couple's newborn son. The charges were eventually dropped, but the legal nightmare lasted until Tuesday.
2. GREENWOOD, Ind. -
Police have arrested a professional photographer in Greenwood after his daughter said she found photos of naked children on his computer.
John Spurr, 64, faces three counts of child exploitation.
Officers confiscated Spurr's computer this week after arresting him at his home on Pushville Road. That's where he also ran a photography business, called Evergreen Photographic Illustration and Design.
Spurr's daughter called police after she said she discovered nude photos of her 3-year-old son and other young children on the computer.