
本文內容已被 [ panlm_ ] 在 2014-04-14 10:02:20 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

Not sure if you are right. Hu and Xi appear not flexible as Jiang, although Hu was relatively quiet, and Xi seems more interested in anticurruption that triggers potential crisis in CCP itself legistimate in power. There is no doubt both Jiang and Hu contributed to the rising of China as a strong and wealthy nation. President Xi is leading all Chinese people to realize the China's dream, a stronger, wealthier, and responsible nation standing in east part of this planet.

I think Xi will succeed in leading China to another level, creating fortune for common people in China, building up adquate mussles to protect China's core interests, and standing at the just side of peace-loving people in the world. Therefore, he is the fifth generation of core in China's political platform together with his CCP members and most Chinese peoples to resume China's prospectivity like Tang Dynasty.  
