ZT: 好萊塢著名導演克裏斯蒂•裏比籌拍紀錄片《釣魚島- 事實真相》

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Hollywood documentary brings Diaoyu Islands truth to new audience

2014-03-12 21:44XinhuaWeb Editor: Wang Fan

Hollywood writer and director Chris D. Nebe screened a new documentary about the Diaoyu Islands at the REAL D Theater on Tuesday, saying he hopes to show Americans the truth about the territory.

"Diaoyu Islands, The Truth" is produced by Monarex Hollywood Corporation and is one of twelve documentaries in Nebe's "Mysterious China" series introducing Chinese history, culture and rapid development to the world.

The debut attracted nearly 100 viewers, who learned from the 40-minute film that the Diaoyu Islands have been Chinese territory since ancient times, and that Imperial Japan annexed the Diaoyu Islands from China in 1895 after the First Sino-Japanese War.

The short feature holds the view that "the real Diaoyu Islands conflict goes from the so-called administrative rights of the United States. After the Second World War, instead of returning the islands to China, the United States claimed 'administrative rights.' In 1971, America gave the islands back to Japan, ignoring China's long-standing claim."

In the last part of the film, Nebe asserts that "America can quell the tension by encouraging his Japanese ally to return the Diaoyu Islands to China and apologize to Chinese people for the war crimes of Imperial Japan."

"My view point is that... the truth about Diaoyu Islands issues are completely wrong told by Western media. I hope the movie will change it. We are pushing to help Americans know the truth of Diaoyu Islands," Nebe said.

Japan should do the right thing and give the islands back to China, while Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe should go to Nanjing to apologize to China for the war crimes of Imperial Japan. These islands should not be a case for disrupting peace and harmony between China and Japan, he added.

Klaus Schmitt came to see the film with his wife. "Very little of my friends know Diaoyu Islands, only if you who are politically active or interested in history, but most people don't know it," he said.

He believed that the film gave him a neutral overall view on the issue.

Audience member Lynn Crandall, who works at the University of Southern California, said the documentary encouraged peace. "The film is a strong statement for us to try to find peace, we must find a way to share the world in brotherhood. I believe we should be neutral. I think we are too much on the side of Japan, I think we should work for peace, not for divide."

Anthony D. Ross, a lawyer who said he did not previously know about the conflict between China and Japan over the Diaoyu Islands, told Xinhua, "It tells a lot that I did not know."

"Diaoyu Islands, The Truth" will be broadcast on American public television and is also available on the Internet, according to Monarex.


【美國《中華商報》記者陳傑豪好萊塢報導】近年來以拍攝中國係列文化紀錄片而享譽世界的好萊塢著名導演克裏斯蒂•裏比(Chris D. Nebe)日前向本報記者透露,2013 年的重點拍攝計劃是高清晰度(HD)紀錄片《釣魚島- 事實真相》,片長約30 分鐘,預計總投資30 萬美元,目前正處於籌劃階段,美國中華商報將提供大力協助。

裏比作為一名德裔好萊塢導演,擁有30 多年在好萊塢的工作經驗,是蒙納瑞克斯好萊塢電影公司(Monarex HollywoodCorporation)的創立者,製作發行了大量故事片和紀錄片,並多次獲得國際大獎。

他1985 年拍攝的紀錄片《繼承者》在戛納電影節獲獎。 1994 年拍攝的紀錄片《最後的商隊》獲得美國CINE 獎。

1995 年,裏比首次來到中國後,就不斷用鏡頭記錄中國。 2007 年在中國拍攝的專題紀錄片《馬可波羅的香格裏拉》、《馬可波羅的世界屋脊》榮獲美國第28屆電視獎銅獎。其係列紀錄片《神秘中國》以中國風光、歷史、文化為主題,之前8 部紀錄片已經被亞洲博物館收藏。《神秘中國》係列紀錄片於2011 年8月28 日在好萊塢舉行世界首映式,來自中國少數民族地區的大理白族自治州副州長蔡春生也參加了首映式。該係列包含了10 部介紹中國地方少數民族地區自然風光和風土人情紀錄片。據裏比介紹說,拍攝每部紀錄片時,他需要到當地進行30 天到40 天的實地拍攝,然後回到好萊塢進行剪輯,每部片的拍攝成本約50 萬美元。這些紀錄片分別是《香格裏拉》、《大理•一見鍾情》、《世界屋脊》、《功夫在中國》、《聖山》、《傳奇中國》、《西藏•真相》和《絲綢之路》,其中一些紀錄片已經在美國多個電影節上獲獎。




由於作品風格獨特,又以積極正麵的視角拍出了各地美麗的風光和風土人情,而這也讓他的作品在中國國內獲得了好評,因此他獲得了更多中國地方政府的拍片邀約。2012 年8 月,由裏比執導、反映江蘇悠久歷史和現代化進程的大型紀錄片《江蘇形象》在江蘇開機拍攝。這部長達90 分鐘的紀錄片,是《神秘中國》係列紀錄片的第十部。

現年76 歲的裏比, 曾於1999 年拍攝過紀錄片《南京大屠殺》,但那時他並沒有來南京,隻是根據從各種渠道蒐集來的資料拍攝而成。 2011 年年底,為了商談拍攝《江蘇形象》事宜,他才首次來到南京。



有關好萊塢電影導演Chris Nebe 及其所拍攝的有關中國的紀錄片的介紹資料。



其它網址: http://epaper.usqiaobao.com:81/qiaobao/html/2011-08/26/content_512714.htm http://xcxq.yangzhou.gov.cn/yzgov/zwyw/201210/a411db89bf574b5784a0c922401ac732.shtml


3,電影拍攝計劃和導演Chris Nebe 與投資人之間的合約(中英文),所有出資人均為行政製片人,其名字和公司商標將會出現在影片中和DVD包裝的封麵上,這對投資人及其企業也是一種宣傳。但我覺得最重要的是,為中華民族的利益和美中人民之間的長遠友誼著想,我們應該將這件事促成,讓美國人民和政府知道釣魚島爭端的真相。








影片配樂由廣受讚譽的洛杉磯謝珀德大學音樂係主任丹尼爾 沃克教授創作,他創作了享譽國際的屢獲殊榮的神秘中國係列原創音樂,並為《Jay Leo今夜秀》、《老友記》、《欲望都市》和奧斯卡頒獎典禮創作和編排配樂。自1999年來,丹尼爾 沃克曾在中國與劉德華、鋼琴家孔祥東和歌星佳佳合作編曲、錄製和製作了多部作品。


他的曲目在2008年北京奧運會上得到特別采用,他還為上海芭蕾舞團創作了一部名為“馬可波羅 – 最後的使命”的完整芭蕾劇,該劇由巴黎皮爾卡丹讚助,作為上海世博會的一部分進行了首場演出,取得了巨大成功。在他參與過的多部電影中,包括了為張一白指導劉嘉玲主演的中國獲獎影片《好奇害死貓》所作配樂。


路易斯 凡泰西亞,紐約電影學院好萊塢環球影城自由藝術與科學項目主席,將為此紀錄片錄製旁白。他曾以他獨特而優美的嗓音為神秘中國係列進行解說,多年以來,他的聲音時常作為影劇'[評論員和藝術解說員在全美公開播出的節目中出現。國際知名作家、導演、演員、莎士比亞學者,凡泰西亞先生,還是加州聖馬力諾市著名的亨廷頓圖書館莎士比亞學院“亨廷頓莎士比亞課程”的主任。他還是《Instant Shakespeare》的作者,該書是被莎士比亞劇演員、教師、導演最廣泛使用的書籍之一。2003年,法國斯特拉斯堡的歐洲議會將它圖書館的劇作收藏部以路易斯 凡泰西亞命名。


著名並獲得國際獎項的克瑞斯蒂 裏比,將為本片進行編劇、指導並製作。他也將為本片進行屏幕注解。












6.Monarex 將會通過它已有的發行渠道,以DVD和公開廣播電視的形式在美國和世界其他地方發行此影片,並將本片作為神秘中國係列的一部分。




8. Monarex將購買並支付初始的1000份商業DVD拷貝。這些DVD將包含一個有吸引力的藝術設計封麵,並突出顯示投資人姓名和公司logo。投資人將因為他的付出收到600份免費的DVD拷貝。








Monarex好萊塢公司主席 克裏斯蒂.裏比 簽字


投資人 簽字




MONAREX HOLLYWOOD CORPORATION has received from INVESTOR the amount of US$300,000 to produce a 30 min. documentary entitled "DIAOYU ISLAND - The Truth."


1. The purpose of this documentary is explore the true reasons behind the dispute and conflict. The documentary will contain original & archival footage as well as interviews to be filmed in China, Japan and the USA. The film will be a professional Hollywood production filmed in HIGH DEFINITION (HD) with Dolby Stereo Sound and present proof that the DIAOYU ISLANDS have been Chinese territory since ancient times, as already clearly shown in the maritime charts of the Ming Dynasty navigator, explorer and admiral ZHENG HE.


The music for the film will be composed by Professor DANIEL WALKER, the acclaimed American composer and Dean of Shepherd University's Department of Music in Los Angeles, who creates all original music for our internationally acclaimed and award-winning MYSTERIOUS CHINA Series.

He has composed and arranged music for the "Tonight Show with Jay Leno," "Friends," "Sex in the City" and the Hollywood OSCAR Award shows.

Since 1999 Daniel Walker has composed, recorded and conducted in China working with Andy Lau, Pianist Kong Xiandong and singing star Jia-Jia.


His musical arrangements were featured in the closing ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympics and he composed a full-length ballet for the Shanghai Ballet Company, entitled "Marco Polo - The Last Mission." Sponsored by Pierre Cardin of Paris, the ballet premiered as part of the 2010 World Expo in

Shanghai with great success. Among his many film credits Daniel Walker composed the music for the award-winning Chinese film "Curiosity kills the Cat" (Hao qi hai si mao) starring Carina Lau and directed by Zhang Yibai.


LOUIS FANTASIA, Chairman of the New York Film Academy's Liberal Arts & Sciences program at Universal Studios Hollywood, will narrate this documentary. He narrates the MYSTERIOUS CHINA Series with his distinctive and elegant voice, which was heard for many years on America's National Public Broadcasting as theatre critic and arts commentator.

Internationally acclaimed writer, director, actor and Shakespearean scholar, Mr. Fantasia is also the Director of "Shakespeare at the Huntington," the Shakespeare Institute of the famous Huntington Library in San Marino, California. He is the author of "Instant Shakespeare," which is one of the most widely used books onShakespeare for actors, teachers and directors. In 2003 the Council of Europe in Stra*****ourg, France named the theatre collection in its library at the European Parliament in honor of Louis Fantasia.


The acclaimed & international award-winning Chris D. Nebe will write, produce & direct this documentary. He will also make an on screen commentary.


2. Research will commence immediately and interviews will be filmed in the US.


3. A Hollywood team will then fly to China & Japan to film original footage and interviews and secure archival material either from CCTV or the State Council Information Office in Beijing.


4. Thereafter post-production will take place in Hollywood.


5. The English version film should be completed within four months after receipt of the funding.

A Chinese subtitled and/or narrated version of the film will be produced by Monarex in Beijing and made available to the Chinese media and the State Council Information Office.


6. Monarex will then distribute the film through its established distribution channels on DVD and Public TV in the US and the rest of the world as part of the MYSTERIOUS CHINA Series.


7. The Investor will receive on screen credit as EXECUTIVE PRODUCER.

If so desired the COMPANY LOGO of the Investor's company will also receive on screen credit.


8. Monarex will order and pay for an initial order of 1000 commercially packaged DVDs. These DVDs will have an attractive artistic cover with the name of the Investor & company logo prominently displayed. The Investor will receive 600 DVDs free of charge to use for his promotional efforts.


9. Monarex will present the film at international film festivals. The Investor will receive award statues & certificates in his name of any awards, which the film may receive.


10. Since this documentary will be a controversial news item it is doubtful if any revenue will be realized from the distribution on DVD & TV.

Should there be any revenue then all net receipts will be shared 50/50 between the Investor & Monarex.


Signed by Chris D. Nebe, President of Monarex Hollywood Corporation


Signed by Investor-



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