
來源: hercules007 2014-01-11 16:36:26 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (6603 bytes)



Tribal warfare is the bane of human society. During the 40,000 years before the dawn of civilization, some anthropologists estimate, two-fifths of males who survived infancy died in warfare. The great empires of the Near East and the West failed because they enslaved the peoples they conquered rather than integrate them. European Christianity offered a compromise: the ethnicities that occupied Europe after the collapse of the Roman Empire would join a universal Church in the spirit, but keep their ethnic nature in the flesh. Ultimately the flesh overwhelmed the spirit, and ethnocentric nationalism provoked the terrible wars of the 20th century. 

Chinese civilization offered a different model: it integrated innumerable ethnic minorities into a unified culture centered on a written language and literary tradition, and offered the opportunity for advancement to everyone who came under the umbrella of this culture. Unlike Rome, it did not enslave subject populations to work giant estates, but emphasized the extended family as the fundamental unit of society. 

Unlike Christianity, where the unifying language of Europe (Latin) was understood by a tiny elite, Chinese culture propagated a unifying written language. Literacy in ancient China was extremely high in comparison to the ancient and medieval West, between 20% and 30% by most estimates. China still has 55 ethnic minorities and a wide variety of spoken languages. 
It is instructive to contrast today's Europe with today's China. Europe has achieved a limited degree of unification without, however, overcoming national resistance to a unified government. China by contrast contains fifty-five distinct ethnic minorities and numerous spoken languages within a single political system. Despite the occasional eruption of separatist tendencies, China is in little danger of reverting to a loose confederation of ethnicities. 

For all its great accomplishments, the European project of the past thousand years has failed. The greatest achievement of the West is the creation of the United States of America, which selected immigrants from all nations in a new, non-ethnic polity defined by a Constitution inspired to a great extent by ancient Israel. 

When Christianity failed to overcome the residual tribalism of the West, its universalizing message was replaced by relativism. The reigning dogma in the secular West now states that every ethnicity is entitled to its own "narrative" and that all cultures are equally valid in their own terms. Relativism refuses to consider the obvious fact that some cultures succeed while others fail miserably; it insists on the absolute right of self-definition and self-termination for every tribe. 

This post-Christian ideology motivates many attacks on China in the West, and justifies Western support for breakaway movements in Tibet, Xinjiang, and other Chinese provinces. 

The perverse logic ...... is used to condemn China's sovereignty over Xinjiang and Tibet, among other places. The supposed right of self-determination for "Uyghur culture" or "Tibetan culture" is opposed to China's historic sovereignty over those territories. If this argument were extended to its logical conclusion, the great accomplishment of Chinese civilization - its genius for integrating many ethnicities into a unifying culture - is a wicked form of imperial impression. 

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秦始皇統一文字,成就了中國的文化資本。 -唵啊吽- 給 唵啊吽 發送悄悄話 唵啊吽 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/11/2014 postreply 20:38:01

然! -hercules007- 給 hercules007 發送悄悄話 hercules007 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/11/2014 postreply 20:56:12



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