英國社會最讓我震撼的就是它的包容性。說到包容性,本人還鬧過一個笑話。有一次我的美國同學生日,於是我們的一眾好友開始了Pub Crawl以示慶祝。我們的校園離曼徹斯特市中心很近,而市中心有一大片地方叫做Gay Village。Crawl了沒多久,我們就來到了一個風格有些許妖媚的酒吧。何為妖媚?燈光,裝飾等等,最妖媚的是門口有些肌肉發達的大老爺們全身穿著緊身皮夾克,好幾個的皮褲上都有很大的洞把屁股蛋子給漏了出來,有點像中國的開襠褲,但又不是。我很震驚,一問身邊好友才知道這是Gay Village著名的一個Gay Bar。結果,我二話不說,轉身就回家了。事後朋友們很生氣,說我是Bigot。他們不是同性戀,但他們也光顧Gay Villag的Gay Bar,曼徹斯特有很多Straight People都光顧Gay Village的Gay Bar。
這對於在中國傳統教育中長大的人來說實在是充滿了顛覆性。物以類聚,人以群分。可英國不是這樣,你要包容各種不同,和諧相處,因為difference is beautiful。為了這種包容性,英國不惜在政治正確(political correctness)上走極端:在工作場所,如果有歧視黑人,巴基斯坦人,印度人,同性戀的言語或行為,你都可以向公司裏的紀律委員會之類的部門投訴,公司一般都會采取Disciplinary Investigation,很多情況下Offender都會受到非常嚴肅的Disciplinary Charge,許多情況下Offender會被炒魷魚。
香港社會是中國民主,自由,和法治的標杆,所以在很多方麵有理由鄙視相對落後的大陸,可因此就喊中國人“蝗蟲”,確實是很令人遺憾的。一個缺乏包容性的社會,不會有成熟的民主,最多隻是不同群體之間的Contest of bullies。民主泰國的亂局可茲明證。
這番感慨皆因和壇中名士Liberphile的一場Verbal Sparring而起,過程如下,以作佐證。此君是個隻用英文的二洋鬼子,往往侍自己英文武藝高強,肆意辱罵英文比較一般的中國人,嘲笑對方無還手之力,卻沒相遇到了我,和他大戰三百合,殺得他丟盔卸甲,落荒而逃。論戰很長,卻很精彩,沒有耐性的看官,可略過,有耐性的看管麻煩點評一下。謝謝。
Liberphile - 2013年12月02日 14:42
Big talkers are usually litte doers. This is especially true in the
Kingdom of Locusts. Not long ago, its emperor told his subjects to
dream big and aim high.
"The future of our Kingdom depends on your willingness to test the untested,
explore the unexplored, and imagine the unimagined....The sky is the limit,"
he said. Sounds great, doesn't it? But who is going to move the cheese?
吳迪 - 2013年12月02日 15:36
It's a shame that Liberphile says Chinese are locusts. You give Hongkongera
bad name.
I guess all you want to say is "I'm not Chinese. I'm Hong Konger or British.
If so, China dream has nothing to do with you.
Good luck finding British Dream!
Liberphile - 2013年12月02日 16:34
It is not at all surprising that my earlier comments triggered a locustic reaction.
Locusts can always be expected to behave in a knee-jerk or over-correcting way.
Their attitude is generally characterized by either xenophobia or xenophile.
There is hardly any room for middle ground. Great thinkers, who are mostly
non-conformists and typically show tremendous self-confidence, are therefore
rarely, if ever, found in the Kingdom of Locusts.
吳迪 - 2013年12月02日 16:51
You sound like a condescending overload.
Is it the failure of your education or character, which fills you with
this scathing self-confidence?
How can you think that being racist can vindicate your superiority?
If you are not Chinese, you should perform your locust rap in front of Chinese
and face the consequence. There could be a Bruce Lee in the crowd.
If you are Chinese, I feel sorry for you and nothing more.
Liberphile - 2013年12月02日 21:42
I have never heard of the word "scathing" being used to
describe self-confidence.
Thanks for demonstrating the power of locust-style written communication,
which is definitely very helpful in remedying the "failure" of my education.
Character-wise, I think I am okay and need no advice from any educated fools
from the Kingdom of Locusts, where intergirty is in constant short supply
but hyposcrisy abounds. It is easy enough for one to play the blame game of
racism when one runs out of good arguments, although resorting to something
like this only serves to further isolate the Kingdom of Locusts from the
civilized international community.
吳迪 - 2013年12月02日 22:09
Your so-called self-confidence is scathing and degrading to Chinese people.
"This scathing self-confidence" is only right for you.
You deserve this word.
Only a hatred-venting hypocrite deserves to be called the subject of the Kingdom
of Locusts.
If you are so hateful to Chinese people,
quit making Chinese money. Quit being a hypocrite.
Have some respect to where you eat. Don't shite on it.
吳迪 - 2013年12月02日 22:22
Try calling a Chinese locust in his face and then convince him you are not racist.
If one can such a make-believer, one is either delusional or a hypocrite.
And you call this kind of Character OK?
This is truly a locust standard of Character.
Liberphile - 2013年12月03日 00:16
"quit making Chinese money"
What makes you think everyone is interested in making Chinese money
like you are? No one deserves to be called a hypocrite than you do.
All you can think of is how to avoid offending the Chinese despots so
that they will allow "smart" people like you to make more Chinese money.
You want to sound more Chinese than Chinese? Suit yourself! The road
to hell is paved with patriotic rhetoric. Jingoism and hypocricy are like
Siamese twins. Combined with hubris, they become the cornerstone of lucustism.
吳迪 - 2013年12月03日 06:21
You live in HK,read 信報 and tell people you do not make any Chinese money.
That is a fat locust lie.
How can one make-believe something like that?
Liberphile - 2013年12月03日 18:55
Living in Hong Kong and reading HKEJ must necessarily imply
makingChinese money? What kind of shitty logic is that?
There are nearly a million residents in Hong Kong who are
foreign passport-holders. They are not Chinese! To live a
decent life in Hong Kong, one doesn't have to make money
by doing business with or working for Chinese people.
By the way, when it comes to telling lies, no one does it better than
you do. Your pro-Beijing propaganda is nothing more than a bunch
of flat-out lies,distorted facts, misleading statements, and ego-boosting
jingoistic monologues. Among all the psudo-intellectuals and fake patriots
from the Kingdom of Locusts I have ever come across, you deserve to receive
the top 1% ranking in terms of overall repugnancy and detestability.
Congratulations on your remarkable achievement of such a status of eminence!
吳迪 - 2013年12月03日 20:35
You really are a character assassin. A thinker you are not.
All I get from you is character assassination.
I get it. You hold a foreign passport, hate Chinese and locusts.
However, Chinese is in your blood like Jew is always Jew. It's in your DNA, skins
and eye color.
I met many Chinese people like you back in Britain. They told me they were
English and scolded me for mistaking them for Chinese.
However, the whites never accept them as their own even though they try
hard to fool themselves into believing otherwise.
吳迪 - 2013年12月03日 20:44
What are your remarkable achievements?
Insulating your fragile ego from Chinese origin with your shining foreign passport?
Have you ever utilized your Chinese language ability to advance your career?
If not, why read 信報?
You should read FT of UK version instead.
信報 is all about Chinese and Chinese business.
Liberphile - 2013年12月04日 01:34
Character assassin? Give me a break! Your character is rotten enough beyond
salvation and requires no assassination!
Besides appealing to fake patriotism and other forms of emotionalism such
as the antiquated "blood is thicker than water" trick of political propaganda,
what have you got left in your propaganda toolbox?
"信報 is all about Chinese and Chinese business"
Since when have you been put in charge of setting HKEJ's editorial policy?
Stop hallucinating if you don't want to pay another visit to your psychiatrist's office!
吳迪 - 2013年12月04日 11:11
Who said, "blood is thick"?
Mate YOU are so thick.
Why do you always sensationally throw those accusatory words on me? "
Big talkers, litte doers, the Kingdom of Locusts,
a locustic reaction,a locustic reaction,xenophobia,xenophile,locust-style
written communication,educated fools,hyposcrisy ,hypocrite,Jingoism,
hubris,locustism,flat-out lies, distorted facts, misleading statements,
ego-boosting jingoistic monologues,psudo-intellectuals,fake patriots,repugnancy,detestability,rotten enough beyond salvation,The road to hell ,
emotionalism , hallucinating,
pay another visit to your psychiatrist's office"
It's like you have a machine gun of accusations.
Stop churning out all these shabby theatrics from the dictionary of bigots.
Look hard into it and see how much of it is your own reflection.
Liberphile - 2013年12月04日 12:55
"Who said "blood is thick"?
Well, who wrote the following?
"But Chinese is in your blood like Jew is always Jew. It's in your DNA, skins
and eye color."
Isn't the above proof enough that you are capable of doing nothing except
using the same old emotion-inducing "cultural genetics" argumentative trick
favored by the Chinese commies?
Forgetfulness is not a virtue! If you can't get the right kind of help
from your psychiatrist, I suggest you make an appointment with a geriatrician.
Liberphile - 2013年12月04日 13:21
Honestly, you and I are not in the same league when it comes to verbal sparring.
Your poor diction, conceptual deficiency, muddle-headed thinking and above all,
spineless character, make you an unworthy opponent in debate. It is time now to
conclude my visit here and I wholeheartedly wish you a quick recovery from
your damaged ego.
吳迪 - 2013年12月04日 14:59
Who give you the authority to start a battle and then declare the victory?
You just love yourself too much to see the fact.
You autophilia is cloaking your mind from reality.
All that you are capable of is not debating but slandering. “make an
appointment with a geriatrician,poor diction, conceptual deficiency,
muddle-headed thinking, spineless character, make you an unworthy opponent”
Apart from showcasing your mastery of the dictionary of bigots, your words
carry no substance.
Remember, one’s mastery of the dictionary of bigots never wins the day.
It’s one’s substance that counts.
"But Chinese is in your blood like Jew is always Jew. It's in your DNA, skins
and eye color."
You mistake my meaning of the above sentence. I do not want to induce your
emotion with cultural genetics. Rather I am depicting someone’s misery of
living in self-denial.
May you come back as a white man and have nothing to do with Chinese in
the next life.
As to the winner of this verbal sparring, the audience will declare. It is none
of your or my business, unless you still want to play God..
May you have enough room in your career and personal life to accomodate
your super-size ego.