What's wrong with 我的行為?It is my opinion that Jimmy Kimmle made a stupid joke. It is insensitive and improper. But that is all it is. I did suggest that there is no need to blow it out of proportion. I understand lots of people here disagree with my opinion. I don't have a problem with it.
I stand by my opinion no matter how others insulted me, I always replied with reasoning, restrain and respect. If you say that doesn't make me a 堂堂正正的中國人, tell me what you think makes.
If you think it is my opinion that makes me less of a Chinese, you just proved my point: you are accusing others for "思想犯罪". 不是文革遺風是什麽?
I understand you are proud of who you are as a Chinese. Please cherish your own image. You are what you standup for. Don't you want the world see you as a Chinese with dignity, compassion, and wisdom? You don't want be perceived as 順我者猖逆我者亡, do you?
Respect is earned, the more you try to force it upon others, the less you will get.
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11/02/2013 postreply