the ignorance of closed circles and the uneducated. Uneducated referring not to
the university graduate, but the inexperienced in life, and the misguidance
from the general entertainment industry. This particular broadcast highlights
the overall ignorance of the executives producing such blatant disrespect of an
entire nation. Having traveled to this country, I believe that the general
population would like nothing more than to embrace the idea of the United
States. BS like this, not only alienates them from us, but has the potential of
creating a new enemy. Just as our own media spins its biased opinions on
events, we can be sure the same does and occur there. Why do this, when we
should be looking to gain allies and not create new enemies. There are many
cultural aspects we should admire of China and we have the responsibility of
showing our friends the lessons we have learned. It’s time to start acting like
the adults that are looking out for our children and guarantee them a future
that is based in respect and not in childish behavior to get a few laughs at
the expense of the great many.
The responsible remark from Kimmel would have been
something to the effect of “I don’t know where you may have gotten such an
idea, but that certainly is not a way out of our debt situation. We must hold
ourselves responsible for what we borrow for. You - young man will have to pay
for what you borrow or you will find yourself in a world of hurt in the real