
來源: hercules007 2013-10-26 00:59:52 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2808 bytes)
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Stop voting, stop pretending, wake up. Be in reality now, time to be in reality now.  Why vote, we know it's not going to make any difference, we know that already. ~ Russell Brand

As you summarized in your interview, people that have any sense, realize that voting changes nothing. Voting is an occupation for the disillusioned, the elderly, and hopeful tyrants.  We all know that voting for a new master every four years, still doesn't make you free.  Even still, the capacity to vote on people's fundamental human rights is the antithesis of freedom. 

In 2012 the FEC stated that $7 billion dollars was spent on the elections, with the large banking institutions leading the charge.  Most of it was spent on marketing.  Controlling the narrative in the media, and greasing the hands of the well connected. It's a revolving door of political incest, and none of them care about anything other than the status quo. Free indeed.




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