
來源: ppj 2012-12-04 12:09:07 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (3962 bytes)

this is useless ... 

need action.

Without political reform and democracy (these may not be feasible and correct path for China at present time), only policies and actions such as those taken by 雍正 can handle China's currently corrupted political system. Wait for harsh actions (towards corruption), and hard work from current leadership. Without these, the system may collapse soon. 

Remember 雍正 executed many many corrupted officials including those with highest ranks in the central government, also he executed numerous political enemies. It is very hard to imagine that 習近平 can do this in current China. 

At the end of 康熙 era, the whole political system and officials are severely corrupted. 雍正took the era name "Harmonious Justice" (Chinese: 雍正yōngzhèng) in 1723 from his peerage title "harmonious" (Chinese: yōng) and "just, correct, upright" (Chinese: zhèng).

中央體製:雍正一朝,整頓吏治,在中央創立密摺製度監視民 (officials will be spied by the central government),並設立軍機處專一事權 (all powers go back 雍正 and his own inner circle)

經濟政策:在稅製上推動“攤丁入畝”,“廢除賤籍”,“火耗歸公”,“官一體當差納糧”等製。(revenue goes back to central government; rich people need to 當差納糧)

民族政策:廢除西南少數民族原本的土司製度,改行“改土歸流”,派遣官吏統治,加強對少數民族的統治及同化。此外,雍正亦宣稱“朕以外國之君,主中國之事”,嚴防漢族士大夫階層離心。(tight control over 少數民族, and over culture and ideology) 

雍正在位期間,勤於政事,自詡“以勤先天下”、“朝乾夕惕”。他在位期間每年唯有自己生日當天才會休息一天,其餘每天都挑燭工作至淩晨一兩點。他一生中總共批閱大臣的奏摺,超過千萬字,言辭甚多,不假修飾,過勞死的說法甚為可信[5]。(working hard)




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