【說西方道西方 不得不說:中國羽球健兒英雄,李永波男人一個~!】

來源: 弓尒 2012-08-03 00:25:16 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (14248 bytes)


說西方 道西方 不得不說:



李永波 若 獨包全攬: 我做的主 論罪 我謝罪 我就稱他英雄!





The Olympic spirit is best expressed in the Olympic Creed:

"The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well."

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_spirit_of_the_olympic_games#ixzz22SrErk4t


wikipedia  這樣說:


the term "Olympic spirit" is an oft-referred to but perhaps vaguely-defined concept

associated with the Olympic Games.


The mission of Olympic Spirit is

"to build a peaceful and better world in the Olympic Spirit 

which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play -


也可以這樣說 奧林匹克精神 沒有一個 準確的官方的正式的定義!


Olympic Games  就是 努力進取競爭取勝的games



奧委會 國際羽聯的不公平規則首先破壞了奧林匹克宗旨

中國羽球健兒為了戰鬥到最後 而 暫時消極應付 是被逼的 是戰術和策略

這應當不是運動員自我的決定 而是 中國羽球代表團的團體決議

作為總教練 李永波 也是主要的決議人之一

我們應當 對這個決議理解支持

中國代表團選擇 不上訴 服從組委會的決定 是: 1. 不得已,2. 敢作敢當



Bravo to the Chinese badminton players





The truth of the matter is

that the actions of these badminton players are

in the spirit of the modern Olympics.


It is not a spectator sport

but a deeply serious competition for national pride.

The players should be congratulated

on their ingenuity.





Olympics badge

Bravo to the Chinese badminton players – they're just trying to win medals

Criticising a nation's athletes for wanting to win as many medals as possible is to forget what the Olympics is really about

Olympic referee Torsten Berg warns players from China and South Korea during their badminton match 
Olympic referee Torsten Berg warns players from China and South Korea during their women's doubles badminton match, which both teams seemed determined to lose. Photograph: Bazuki Muhammad/Reuters

The attacks on Chinese and Korean badminton players are grossly unfair. They were doing their best with added cunning. Day and after day we read relentless hyperbole about the vital importance to national pride of winning: not winning a heat or a round or an exhibition, but winning medals. So obsessed is the media with this single index that the BBC has stopped displaying the medals table because it is too humiliating. This is the pastiche chauvinism of a banana republic.

Along come the Chinese, who clearly know how to win. You plan. The badminton heats were apparently staged to give an incentive, in certain circumstances, to losing games in the qualifying stages. Faced with the risk of a tougher opponent later and thus losing a medal, the players did what their tacticians said. They lost a round. I cannot see how, in sporting terms, this is any different from sprint cyclists hovering for an age on a curve, waiting for the right moment to surge forward. Anyway, the athletes were not trying to lose, they were losing so as being more likely to win.

The result on the night may have been depressing for the spectators, but no one was forcing them to watch. They would be the first to howl if a British team so messed up the qualifying rounds as to lose a medal. The concept of the Olympics as being not about winning but "about taking part" ended long ago. Modern Olympics are parodies of Hitler's nationalist games of 1936. They are a statist contest determined by who wins the most medals.

As for watching people lose, that can develop its own rules and excitement. As a boy I recall the most engrossing event at the village sports day was the slow bicycle race. The only rule was that you had to stay on your bike and could not go backwards. Three-legged races were similarly enjoyable, as was running backwards. It was only the swimmers who elevated not moving as fast as possible from A to B into an art, with backstroke, butterfly and such nonsense.

The truth of the matter is that the actions of these badminton players are in the spirit of the modern Olympics. It is not a spectator sport but a deeply serious competition for national pride. The players should be congratulated on their ingenuity.











既然有規則就隻能先執行再上訴。不遵守規則就隻能先出局再上訴。規則有時可能不合理,但是 -SUNNE- 給 SUNNE 發送悄悄話 (390 bytes) () 08/03/2012 postreply 02:08:35

“not to have conquered”!這“爭輸”意識,是老外對他人忽悠的精華!希望你還未中招! -tttw- 給 tttw 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/03/2012 postreply 06:11:34



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