從北京奧運到倫敦奧運, 中國大陸政府以及人民進步了

從北京奧運到倫敦奧運, 中國大陸政府以及人民進步了.

記得北京奧運, 中國大陸體操運動員出現了年齡問題,中國大陸政府是極力掩飾,否認, 甚至有些中國大陸的人們有點到了歇斯底裏的地步.

其實根據體操運動以往的中國大陸官方的報紙, 以及一些以前官方體操運動員的證件,體操運動員有沒有年齡問題,不要說人人明白,就是豬狗恐怕都知道, 是怎麽回兒事,那樣的百般抵賴,強詞奪理,讓中國臉麵掃盡, 尤其是自己是個東道國, 卻是如此的無賴, 更是讓人不齒.

如今倫敦奧運,中國大陸的羽毛球隊員,拙劣表演,玩弄小把戲,耍盡小聰明,破壞了奧運, 褻瀆了奧運精神,惱怒了觀眾,被取消競賽資格.

一反過去的抵賴, 否認, 辯解,中國大陸的奧運代表,羽毛球教練,承認錯誤,接受懲罰,表示道歉.

這是多麽偉大的進步, 多麽可喜成就,多麽令人高興的事情. 比一枚金牌還讓人興奮,還貴重.



這才是我們中華民族的偉大之處, 所應該發揚光大的.




The Chinese Olympic delegation "fully respects the Badminton World Federation's decision to punish" its athletes, it said in a statement.

"The actions of Yu Yang and Wang Xiaoli on the court have violated Olympic principles and the spirit of fair athletic competition. The Chinese Sports Delegation feels saddened," it said.

The delegation is investigating the Chinese players' conduct, it said, "and will make appropriate rulings based on the result."

The head coach of the Chinese badminton team, Li Yongbo, expressed contrition for what happened.

"As the head coach, I owe the fans and the Chinese an apology," he said, according to the state-run news agency Xinhua. "Chinese players failed to demonstrate their fighting spirit of the national team. It's me to blame."

