Destiny in the Flood Waters——記得感動!更要刻動動下水道了!(圖)

來源: 4sure 2012-07-23 20:17:56 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (11142 bytes)

Destiny in the Flood Waters

“Be moved! But more than that, move the sewers!”

’s  are emblematic of government mismanagement. Chinese netizens are quick to make social critiques of disasters both great and small, and this most recent one has drawn out some dark, incisive jokes:

IMD__: There was a shooting in the U.S. What did the editor-in-chief say? “It should go without saying. Report on it as much as possible!” Now there is flooding in Beijing. What does the editor-in-chief say? “It should go without saying. Report on the U.S. shooting even more!”


chuzhaoxin: There’s a city that poured huge sums of money into the Olympics, a nation’s capital. When it rained in this city, the streets flooded. People drowned in their cars. A policeman died of electric shock. This city is called Beijing. The country has sunk to this level. When the people can’t make decisions and the city officials have no shame, what can you do? The spontaneous rescue efforts of the people have thoroughly discredited those whose reputations were already bankrupt. This country’s hope lies not in a bureaucrat or an organization, but in every single individual.

褚 朝新:一個投巨資辦過奧運會的城市,一個國家的首都,下場雨,居然有人在市中心的馬路上開車時被淹死,有警察觸電死。這個城市,叫北京。國家沉淪至此,民 不能做主,治理城市的官員毫無羞恥感,奈何?來自民間自發的各種相互救助,讓信譽破產者徹底破產。這個國家的希望,不在某官某團體而在每個普通人身上。

: Several events stand out from yesterday’s storm and its aftermath: The first is that the early warning system didn’t actually warn anyone early; the second, that the emergency response was slow to start; the third, that people who drove on the airport highway to pick up stranded passengers were charged tolls; the fourth, that neither the government nor public facilities opened their doors to those in need; the fifth, that drivers stuck in the middle of the road were fined for parking illegally. The only thing that functioned properly last night were the people of Beijing.

五嶽散人:昨日暴雨以及今日善後有幾個地方不能釋懷:一是預警機製沒真的預警;二是應急機製啟動緩慢;三是機場高速對自發接滯留旅客的車收費;四是政府機 構、公共建築沒有開門為被困者提供庇護;五是很多被主人暫時停在路邊的車被貼上了違章停車的罰款單。昨晚唯一合格的,是北京市民。

FinanceGossipGirl: In my brief existence, a once-in-a-century solar eclipse has happened twice, a once-in-five-hundred-year flood has happened ten times, and a once-in-a-milleniumearthquake has happened twice. The only thing that hasn’t happened is the once-every-five-year general election. Repost if you feel me~~


pufei: According to reports, the Beijing Sea and the Chengdu Sea are China’s only undisputed maritime territories. Fisherman, please go to work at ease. No need to worry about foreign warships giving you trouble.


pufei: In the Celestial Empire, every natural disaster is a prelude to an award ceremony.*


* Implies the Party will have a public back-patting for its flood relief efforts.

hnjhj: Under a once-in-forever government, be it a once-in-a-millenium earthquake or a once-in-a-century storm, the Chinese people can face it with grace.


mynamexu: Superficially, what the storm brought to light was the problems of the Beijing sewer system. But we need only hold this question up to related issues to discover that the “sewer” is a metaphor for the unraveling of the China rising myth. Should a social storm hit, this regime, which cares so much about saving face and nothing about saving its ass, will drown in a puddle of its own making.

mynamexu: 從表麵上看,大暴雨揭穿的是被陽光給包裹起來的北京城市建設下水道問題,但是,隻要把此一問題再與其它相關問題普遍聯係起來觀照,我們就會發現,“下水 道”應是中國崛起之神話麵臨破產的隱喻。倘有一場大的社會暴風雨來臨,這個顧臉不顧腚的政權最終必淹死於自己親手製造的水坑之中。

Via CDT Chinese.


中國人還是太窮,城市排洪係統及其建築相關的標準非常昂貴。。 -zhmz888- 給 zhmz888 發送悄悄話 zhmz888 的博客首頁 (65 bytes) () 07/23/2012 postreply 22:13:27

中國人太窮,不是說哪誰誰富嗎?為何還修不起。。。 -4sure- 給 4sure 發送悄悄話 (3922 bytes) () 07/24/2012 postreply 11:40:52



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