
來源: 刁德一 2012-06-19 10:53:44 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (3677 bytes)

樓下的"從神九升空說開去“, 有不少評論:



• 這種對接技術,幾十年前就被蘇美實現了。現在能搞這種東西的國家至少有五六個。




Shek Gh (孟買)
This seems to be good effort to demonstrate china's technological advancement. But raises doubt that, what China seeks to prove by sending manned space crafts, is it it wants to compete against USA or something else..!!!


beacontosh (美國) 
Shek, I don't think China is trying to prove anything, it is only trying to develop its space technology. as many have mentioned here, it is a technology pioneered by USA and USSR some 40 years ago. However, as a new-comer to the advanced industrial world, one has to go through all the basic steps. sometimes, in some areas, you just cannot rely on others to hold your hands and walk the paths for you, you have to go through all the steps to make the technologies your own. China has done that impressively in many such areas as in heavy industries, aerospace industry. It has undertaken all the painstaking steps, such as taking decades to build clusters of wind tunnels before they could design a successful jet fighter by their own. this new space station effort is another example. Chinese has the obsession of making everything by themselves, you can call them copycats, but even for copying, they managed to do an amazing job. you would stand deeply in awe once you know what a sophisticated reverse engineering pipeline they have built. So, again, the point is not to prove anything, it is all about doing every development from a solid ground up. that's particularly what india lacks the spirit of. great peoples should learn from each other, only fools will try to scorn at and dismiss others' success by clinging on some ridiculous rhetorics such as "freedom", "democracy", which they don't really have.

Shek, 我不認為中國是要證明什麽,他們隻是在發展航天技術。這兒的很多人已經提到了,載人航天是美國和蘇聯在40年多前首率先開創的。但是作為工業世界的後來 者,你必須經曆所有的基礎階段。在某些領域,你沒法依靠別人拉著手扶你走路,你隻有自己走完全程才能把技術變成自己的東西。中國在很多領域,像重工業、航 天工業,都是這樣的,印象令人極之深刻。他們經曆了許多最難熬的階段,像是花了幾十年的時間建立風洞群,之後才能自主設計噴氣戰鬥機。中國人執著的要獨立 自主製造每樣東西。你可以說他們是山寨,但即使是山寨也幹得非常漂亮。如果你能了解到他們建立的逆向工程體係有多精密,也會對他們肅然起敬的。所以說,重 點不是要證明什麽,而是從基礎開始一步一步的向上攀登。這正是印度缺乏的精神。牛人之間會互相學習彼此欣賞,隻有二球才蔑視別人的成功,而且亂扯些“自 由”、“民主”之類他們自己也沒的東西。


這位 Beacontosh 比中國的"公知" 腦子清楚. -savagewi- 給 savagewi 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 06/19/2012 postreply 14:29:55

“五六個”也太離譜!一年半載前,黴鍋的太空人和物資還要飛去俄,由俄火箭送太空站 -tttw- 給 tttw 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 06/19/2012 postreply 17:50:22

有朋友很不屑的說德日英法也有技術能了搞。是不錯!但他們得下決心花時間精力金錢搞才行。 -無忌哥哥- 給 無忌哥哥 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 06/19/2012 postreply 18:04:10

德日英法 沒搞出 空間站和飛船交會對接,就隻能說德日英法停留在理論,隻中俄美 -tttw- 給 tttw 發送悄悄話 (80 bytes) () 06/19/2012 postreply 18:17:23



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