
來源: allemodel 2012-05-10 20:55:04 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (18289 bytes)


維基解密網站最近公布了引人高度關注令人深思的數份轉基因專題電報,本文為美國駐華大使館 2009129日的電報英文原文與對照的中譯文。美國駐華大使館發給華盛頓國務卿、華盛頓農業部、國家科學委員會、華盛頓財政部、中國郵件收集(中心)、華盛頓商務部、華盛頓中央情報局(CIA)與華盛頓國防情報局(DIA),顯見報告的信息具有令人深思重大軍事意義,成為國內外學者專題研究“轉基因技術與人類安全”以及美中轉基因互動關係不可多得的重要文獻。其中提到:

¶10. (SBU) However, in early October 2009, local contacts reported to AgAttache that there was a private meeting between Premier Wen Jiabao and developers of high tech products, including agricultural products, to discuss these issues. He reportedly told the group that while China was a leading investor in biotechnology, it was failing to get new events to market. Wen went on to emphasize that state funded technology should not only be developed, but used as well. This message was seen as the “final word” on the subject and a strong signal to reluctant bureaucrats that they could and should move forward and begin approving biotech events without fear of career suicide if problems arose or there was negative public reaction.

10、然而,200910月初,當地的關係人向(美國駐華使館)農業專員報告,溫家寶總理與包括農藥產品在內的高技術產品開發者們舉行了一次私人會議來討論這些事項。他向與會者們通報,盡管中國是生物技術中的領先投資者,中國未能夠讓新的事件進入市場(failing to get new events to market,原文如此)。溫總理進一步強調,國家資助的技術應當不僅得到開發,也應當使用。這個信息被看為對此事的“最後的話”以及對猶豫的官僚的強烈信號,表明他們可以也應當推進開始批準生物技術事件,而不要擔心由於出現問題或者有負麵公眾反應而失掉公務員工作。

¶11. (SBU) Chinese researchers in all agricultural fields have been encouraged by Wen Jiabao’s support and the new commercializations. Not only does it mean that existing research can now accelerate, it also means that the Ministry of Agriculture will no longer be reluctant to distribute the billions of dollars that have been pledged to agricultural research. China will now likely forge ahead with many of the first generation products that provide benefits to producers and also second generation traits that are more consumer, plant stress and environment focused. During bilateral meetings, China has repeatedly emphasized that their top priority is drought-tolerant traits in corn and other food crops.

11、 溫家寶的支持以及新的商業化鼓勵了中國所有農業領域的研究者。這不僅意味著已有的(轉基因)研究現在可以加速,而且意味著農業部不再猶豫分配對(轉基因) 農業研究已經許諾的數十億美元(注:相當於數百億人民幣)。中國有益於生產者的第一代(轉基因)產品以及更為注重消費者、植物耐力與環境的第二代(轉基 因)品種中的許多品種,現在看來將突然加速發展。在雙邊會議中,中國一再強調他們最優先考慮的是玉米與其他糧食作物的抗旱品係。





七律 . 投槍集之702






國 家真的對轉基因不重視嗎,可怕,我們這裏的老鼠前幾年都變得好小,但也會生仔,可現在基本上連小的老鼠都看不到了,開始我們也不在意不知啥原因,後來聽說 有轉基因玉米,這應該是轉基因惹的禍吧,媒體人啊呼籲吧,別沒弄清楚就上,那樣等於自殺啊,你們可以來河南焦作那裏調查!





維基解密網站最近公布了引人高度關注令人深思的數份轉基因專題電報,本文為美國駐華大使館 2009129日的電報英文原文與對照的中譯文。美國駐華大使館發給華盛頓國務卿、華盛頓農業部、國家科學委員會、華盛頓財政部、中國郵件收集(中心)、華盛頓商務部、華盛頓中央情報局(CIA)與華盛頓國防情報局(DIA),顯見報告的信息具有令人深思重大軍事意義,成為國內外學者專題研究“轉基因技術與人類安全”以及美中轉基因互動關係不可多得的重要文獻。其中提到:

¶10. (SBU) However, in early October 2009, local contacts reported to AgAttache that there was a private meeting between Premier Wen Jiabao and developers of high tech products, including agricultural products, to discuss these issues. He reportedly told the group that while China was a leading investor in biotechnology, it was failing to get new events to market. Wen went on to emphasize that state funded technology should not only be developed, but used as well. This message was seen as the “final word” on the subject and a strong signal to reluctant bureaucrats that they could and should move forward and begin approving biotech events without fear of career suicide if problems arose or there was negative public reaction.

10、然而,200910月初,當地的關係人向(美國駐華使館)農業專員報告,溫家寶總理與包括農藥產品在內的高技術產品開發者們舉行了一次私人會議來討論這些事項。他向與會者們通報,盡管中國是生物技術中的領先投資者,中國未能夠讓新的事件進入市場(failing to get new events to market,原文如此)。溫總理進一步強調,國家資助的技術應當不僅得到開發,也應當使用。這個信息被看為對此事的“最後的話”以及對猶豫的官僚的強烈信號,表明他們可以也應當推進開始批準生物技術事件,而不要擔心由於出現問題或者有負麵公眾反應而失掉公務員工作。

¶11. (SBU) Chinese researchers in all agricultural fields have been encouraged by Wen Jiabao’s support and the new commercializations. Not only does it mean that existing research can now accelerate, it also means that the Ministry of Agriculture will no longer be reluctant to distribute the billions of dollars that have been pledged to agricultural research. China will now likely forge ahead with many of the first generation products that provide benefits to producers and also second generation traits that are more consumer, plant stress and environment focused. During bilateral meetings, China has repeatedly emphasized that their top priority is drought-tolerant traits in corn and other food crops.

11、 溫家寶的支持以及新的商業化鼓勵了中國所有農業領域的研究者。這不僅意味著已有的(轉基因)研究現在可以加速,而且意味著農業部不再猶豫分配對(轉基因) 農業研究已經許諾的數十億美元(注:相當於數百億人民幣)。中國有益於生產者的第一代(轉基因)產品以及更為注重消費者、植物耐力與環境的第二代(轉基 因)品種中的許多品種,現在看來將突然加速發展。在雙邊會議中,中國一再強調他們最優先考慮的是玉米與其他糧食作物的抗旱品係。





七律 . 投槍集之702






國 家真的對轉基因不重視嗎,可怕,我們這裏的老鼠前幾年都變得好小,但也會生仔,可現在基本上連小的老鼠都看不到了,開始我們也不在意不知啥原因,後來聽說 有轉基因玉米,這應該是轉基因惹的禍吧,媒體人啊呼籲吧,別沒弄清楚就上,那樣等於自殺啊,你們可以來河南焦作那裏調查!





轉基因也“賣國”?跟鐵路是李鴻章賣國鐵證一個調調。該啟蒙了。 -相當冷靜- 給 相當冷靜 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 05/10/2012 postreply 21:08:00



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