My tuition and living expenses at Harrow School, University of Oxford and Harvard University were funded exclusively by two sources -- scholarships earned independently, and my mother’s generosity from the savings she earned from her years as a successful lawyer and writer,” he said
不厚不是說他兩口無任何家產麽? 讀讀這個:
• 不厚不是說全部是獎學金麽? -welldone2007- ♂ (0 bytes) () 04/24/2012 postreply 21:14:00
• 在貪腐贓款的問題上 陳水扁和他老婆及子女的口供也是對不起茬來 -江上一君44- ♀ (0 bytes) () 04/25/2012 postreply 02:56:48