A simple concept is that the asset earned by a company is not equal to the asset of its CEO or any top executive. So "目前該公司約有30億家底" does not mean 溫雲鬆 got much. In particular, "電盈主席李澤楷的注資,當時電盈擁有Unibub51%股權". So the majority of the profit does not belong to 溫雲鬆 but 李澤楷.
A lot of stuff is based on "知情人透露". It is not clear how accurate the "知情人透露" is. Share holder information should be public. However, I do not see any public data to verify "知情人透露", i.e., how much 股權 belongs to 溫夫人.
Therefore, the data reported are not trustworthy.