some answers

來源: abcdef654321 2012-04-14 13:51:06 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (967 bytes)
回答: 請教一個問題。譬如朝露2012-04-14 13:27:18

I do not think that any regulation document has been published yet.

You arguements are mostly wrong.

1) 要全麵私有化,中共必須先修改黨章、更改黨名

The laws of a country and the ruling party are two seperate things.

2)   並且還要洋人對於此項國策予以規劃

Do you use eletricity? Do you drive a car or take a bus? Do you take western medicine? They are all invented by "洋人". Their design and implementation are assisted by "洋人".

3) 私有化,如何搞法?

If you have no idea, just wait. That is exactly why the government must work hard and seek all the help they can get, if it decides to do it. Note that it is not clear whether Chinese government will do it or not.

4) 看看曆史

How about US history? US has 洋人的私有製. If China becomes a country exactly like American, do you think 國家內戰積弱,外敵趁虛而入,百姓生靈塗炭?



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