[一名家屬說:“是我們要求火化的。我們沒有受迫。我們不懷疑警方的報告。”]——這麽簡單的,並不難核實的,幾個月前發生的,彼此毫不相幹的信息,被人為地捏合到了一起,竟然能發酵成懸念重重殺機四伏的“重慶秘聞”,在全世界主流媒體上大量複製。 大家不覺得的這件事情過於蹊蹺嗎?
@呂祥和聲: 【Heywood親屬對其死因無質疑】昨日路透社消息:Heywood在倫敦和北京的親屬分別對記者表示,他們對Heywood的死因並無質疑。他們否認Heywood是英方情報人員。家屬表示:“是我們要求火化的。我們沒有受迫。我們不懷疑警方的報告。” >>> 詳細 *****/zOSJjOA
(http://uk.reuters.com/article/2012/03/30/uk-china-scandal-idUKBRE82T0PF20120330 )
Beijing- and London-based relatives of Heywood told Reuters in separate interviews that they did not suspect foul play in his death. They both spoke on condition of anonymity.
"It's preposterous. The more description (in the media), the darker it becomes," the family member said, occasionally breaking into tears in an interview in the lobby lounge of a hotel on the outskirts of Beijing late on Thursday.
The family denied reports that Heywood was a spy and that he was cremated against their wishes.
"We requested the cremation. We were not forced to do so. We have no doubts about the police report," said one family member.
The British Embassy in Beijing has asked the Chinese government to reinvestigate his death, attributed by Chongqing police to cardiac arrest due to over-consumption of alcohol.
Heywood, 41, was not a heavy drinker, but was a chain smoker. His father, Peter, also died of a heart attack after drinks over dinner at his London home in 2004 at age 63, the family members said.