回複:影帝們想要把中國搞成什麽樣的國 II

來源: abcdef654321 2012-03-23 18:38:56 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2380 bytes)
回答: 影帝們想要把中國搞成什麽樣的國 II龜苓膏2012-03-23 17:17:51

1.1) "首先這不是強製性的"

It simply does not make sense for ALL people, including monks and nuns, to choose "red" songs themselves. It is clearly forced upon them.

1.2) (not) "占用公共設施花大家的錢。"

工會組織的運動會,茶話會,郊遊等等 is NOT 領著1000人唱歌全國各地的巡回. How much money does a 運動會 cost? In addition, the money of 工會 comes from the corresponding company. So you pay and participate your own 運動會. Bo is wasting tax payer money for him to show off.

2) "他隻要離開重慶就可以了"

Did you see dozens of police cars chasing him? Do you really believe that Wang would be safe if he were not in the US consulate?

3) "當朝的人正在緊鑼密布地準備屎盆子以及裏麵的穢物" "避開鋒芒,神不知鬼不覺地替大家洗腦"

I have not seen that yet. On the contrary, the current government is not brainwashing people since, according to you, "到現在還沒有一個說法".

4.1) 薄王雖然身在官場,他們的作為隻是關心底層百姓

What facts is your conclusion based on?

4.2) "為什麽薄王會被算計,因為他們並沒有把政治以及忽悠百姓作為他們的第一目的。"

According to you, whoever stepped down must "被算計" and must be good politician?  How about the other officials who stepped down? Is it possible that they are just bad guys and get what they deserve?

5) (not) "薄搞廉租房搞民生工程是可著勁地花錢"

It is a simple problem. It takes money to build those houses. Where does the money come from? The rent is too low to cover the cost.

6) 想想常委裏麵有幾個人是清白的?據說薄提出公開官員財產。這就是為什麽他們必欲除薄而後快。

You need to have evidence to draw your conclusion. Why can Bo's son go to boarding school in UK? Why can Bo's son showed off some luxury stuff online?


The problem is that Bo ignored law during 打黑.

No comments on 8) and 9)


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