Just wait for a few days

來源: abcdef654321 2012-03-20 11:30:13 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1417 bytes)
回答: 無法的國度ywang12012-03-20 09:41:51

I disagree with this article. What Wen said is nothing wrong. The process of prosecution has NOT started yet. In addition, there is no much information about what Bo is accused of or even whether he will be indicted, no matter how likely. So you cannot say Wen is wrong. He did not draw any conclusion, based on what I saw and heard. I don't think that Wen himself forced Bo to step down.

On the contrary, I think that it is good that many lawyers have not said anything. They should NOT say anything BEFORE they get enough information. "以事實為根據,以法律為準繩,嚴格依法辦理" is exactly the right thing to do.

Furthermore, it is not clear why Bo and Wang's family have not said a lot until now. (Note that one of Bo's family members DID say something according to some media.) In the mean time, there are a lot of false rumors or even anti-government messages posted online and on TV. There are many shameless people who posted straight lies on this board too. During this incident, you cannot say that there is only a single voice.

The problem is the lack of transparency. However, we do not know how complex the whole thing is. The government might need to hide some truth for "state security". It is a Chinese cultural thing. Chinese would prefer hiding family scandals in order to look good to outsiders. It is true for Chinese government too.





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