
China's achievement is literally the greatest in world economic history
by John Ross, 19 February 2012

Economic development's purpose is to improve the conditions of human beings. Robert Lucas put it eloquently, in frequently quoted words, examining the consequences of different rates of economic growth: ‘I do not see how one can look at these figures without seeing them as possibilities. Is there some action a government of India could take that would lead the Indian economy to grow... If so, what, exactly? ... The consequences for human welfare involved in questions like these are simply staggering: Once one starts to think about them, it is hard to think about anything else.’

In this framework it should be stated, soberly and with due consideration, that China's economy since 1978 is the greatest economic achievement in world history. This article shows this in the prosaic language of statistics. But of course that is not the real issue. What really counts is the consequences of this for human beings – escape from poverty, improvement in life expectancy, improved health, expanded potential for education, improvement in the position of women, and many other dimensions. Economic statistics, such as GDP per capita, simply underpin this improvement in human conditions.

The scale of China's economic achievement

A problem in assessing the true scale of China's economic achievement is that partial statistics are frequently used to state it. Some of these, for example that China has become the world's second largest economy, or that it has raised 620 million people out of internationally defined poverty, are extremely striking (Quah, 2010). But nevertheless, because they are partial, they do not capture the full scope of what has occurred. Only when systematic data is used does the full magnitude of China's achievement become clear.

Again, even when systematic comparisons are attempted, the scale of China's economic achievement is frequently underestimated because inappropriate measures are used. For example when comparing rates of economic growth, in calculating contributions to economic welfare, it is misleading to take individual countries as the unit of comparison, rather than the proportion of world population affected – rapid economic growth in a small country evidently contributes less to human well being than rapid growth in a large country.

In order to give an initial systematic comparison, therefore, Table 1 shows the percentage of world population affected at the point when sustained rapid growth commenced in major economies. For example the first country to experience sustained rapid economic growth was the UK in the industrial revolution - which was in a country with 2.0 per cent of the world's population. The sustained rapid US economic growth after the Civil War was in a country with 3.3 per cent of the world's population.

There are, of course, arguments about some additional individual countries that might be included in the comparison – for example Italy from 1950 (1.9 per cent of the world's population) or Spain from 1960 (1.0 per cent of the world's population). But it is evident from the data that introducing such extra countries makes no difference to the essential situation.

No other economy starting sustained rapid economic growth even approaches the 22.3 per cent of the world's population in China in 1978 at the beginning of its new economic policies. For comparison Japan's rapid post-World War II growth was in a country with 3.3 per cent of the world's population, and the growth of the four Asian ‘Tigers’ (Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan) was in economies with only 1.4 per cent of the world's population.

Only India's sustained economic growth after the late 1980s, in a country with 16 per cent of the world's population, even begins to approach China's achievement in scale, but the percentage of the world population affected is still lower than China's, as is India's growth rate.

Table 1

12 02 14 Table 1

Introducing the necessary correction of population size also makes clear that the method sometimes utilised of ranking by country size is misleading. To see why it need only be noted that, if current exchange rates are used, on the World Bank tables for 2010, the latest year for which comprehensive statistics are available, 87 of the countries for which data was available have a higher GDP per capita than China and 83 had a lower. This appears to place China about half way up the list of world rankings. As when the People's Republic of China was created in 1949, or economic reform was launched in 1978, China was one of the world's most economically underdeveloped countries this might appear a quite good performance, but it wholly understates China's achievement.

The reason is that ranking by country takes no account of relative population. For example among the countries above China are the Seychelles, Palau, St Kitts and Nevis, Dominica, and Antigua and Barbuda – all with a population of less than 100,000. If the real international position of China is to be assessed then, again, size of population must be taken into account. Figure 1 below, therefore, shows the percentages of world population living in countries with GDP per capita above and below China and shows the real proportions of China's economic achievement.

In 1978 countries containing only 0.5 per cent of the world's population had a GDP per capita below China's, while 73.5 per cent had a higher one – China itself accounted for 25.9 per cent of the world's population for which data was available. By 2010, using the same measure, the percentage of the world's population living in countries with a higher GDP per capita than China was 31.3 per cent - given the speed of increase, it is clear that when 2011's data is published it will show that less than 30 per cent of the world's population lives in countries with a higher GDP per capita than China.

Figure 1

12 02 14 China World Level Ed

Therefore in only slightly over thirty years China, containing more than twenty per cent of the world's population, has moved from being one of the world's least economically developed countries, to a position where less than one third of the world's population lives in countries with a higher GDP per capita, and where China's position is rising rapidly.

Checking these current price statistics against international parity purchasing powers (PPPs), which takes into account different price levels in different countries, confirms the same result. Measured by PPPs in 1980, the first year for which World Bank data is available, only 1.3 per cent of the world's population lived in countries with lower GDP per capita than China and 73.0 per cent in countries with a higher one. By 2010 only 31.5 per cent of the world's population lived in countries with a higher GDP per capita than China.

Another way of measuring is to compare China to the rest of the world's population. To do this, the best measure is not the average as, for well known statistical reasons, averages covering wide ranges are excessively affected by small numbers of extreme values. This is confirmed very clearly by world data. Only 25 per cent of the world's population has a GDP per capita above the global average and 75 per cent have one below it. A better, and the standard, measure of incomes is to make a comparison to the median – the exact mid-point.

In 1978 China's GDP per capita was only 42 per cent of the median for the rest of the world's population. By 2010 China's GDP per capita was 289 per cent of the median.

That since 1978 China, with more than one fifth of the world's population, has moved from being one of the poorest countries in the world to a situation where less than one third of the world's population has a higher GDP per capita is without historical precedent. Never before in human history has such a large proportion of the world's population advanced so rapidly.

A number of conclusions clearly follow from the above data – in addition to the obvious one of simply recognising this as a fact of economic history. But for now it need simply be noted, soberly and with due measure, that China's is quite literally the greatest economic achievement in world history.

* * *

An earlier and shorter version of this article appeared, in English and Chinese, in Global Times.


Quah, D. (2010, May). 'The Shifting Distribution of Global Economic Activity'. Retrieved January 2, 2012, from London School of Economics:


您都不讀文章就發表意見的?! -nWAY- 給 nWAY 發送悄悄話 nWAY 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/19/2012 postreply 16:34:05

Ignore this person who is China blind. 回複:您都不讀文章就發表意見的?! -2544- 給 2544 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/19/2012 postreply 16:39:13

Agree. But we also need to realize that China still has a lot of -2544- 給 2544 發送悄悄話 (64 bytes) () 02/19/2012 postreply 16:36:54

難道1978年前, 中國人都在睡覺? -hillhawkus- 給 hillhawkus 發送悄悄話 hillhawkus 的博客首頁 (238 bytes) () 02/19/2012 postreply 16:44:41

Did he say that? Where? 回複:難道1978年前, 中國人都在睡覺? -2544- 給 2544 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/19/2012 postreply 16:47:12

不明白[史無前例]這詞的意思? -hillhawkus- 給 hillhawkus 發送悄悄話 hillhawkus 的博客首頁 (51 bytes) () 02/19/2012 postreply 16:50:51

史無前例是睡覺的意思?領教了 -刷子- 給 刷子 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/19/2012 postreply 16:58:07

哈哈哈, 立此存照. -hillhawkus- 給 hillhawkus 發送悄悄話 hillhawkus 的博客首頁 (40 bytes) () 02/19/2012 postreply 17:23:25

當然78年前的成就也應該得到肯定。因為許多都是從零開始。 特別是大工業基礎的奠定。 -zgqx- 給 zgqx 發送悄悄話 zgqx 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/19/2012 postreply 19:37:30

為什麽會有這種成就?因為十一屆三中全會製定了正確的指導路線。 -南國鐵樹- 給 南國鐵樹 發送悄悄話 (645 bytes) () 02/19/2012 postreply 17:37:58

這黃啊,賭啊,毒啊,黑啊都是正確路線產物。這貪汙,腐敗。大頭娃娃呀,三聚氰胺奶呀,五彩河呀, -紫微星下凡- 給 紫微星下凡 發送悄悄話 紫微星下凡 的博客首頁 (103 bytes) () 02/19/2012 postreply 19:10:04

正確指導路線很關鍵,但前人栽的樹也很重要。 沒有78年前的大工業基礎建設,也沒現在成就。 -zgqx- 給 zgqx 發送悄悄話 zgqx 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/19/2012 postreply 19:40:49

毛主席時代的成果是延遲的,鄧時代的惡果也是滯後的。 -紫微星下凡- 給 紫微星下凡 發送悄悄話 紫微星下凡 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/19/2012 postreply 19:44:55

一葉障目 -大號螞蟻- 給 大號螞蟻 發送悄悄話 大號螞蟻 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/19/2012 postreply 21:29:33

不要崇洋媚外,要仔細研究這種文章的險惡用心何在:)) -同年- 給 同年 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/19/2012 postreply 21:31:38
