My comments are given after the quotes.
1) 反抗者”中不僅僅是那些“神神叨叨”的人,也有梁文道和韓寒這些帥哥
What is the relationship between 神神叨叨 and 帥?
2) "那些自命“具有學術背景和專業素質的知識者”的讀書人,請你住嘴"
Is it right for you to prevent people from talking?
3) "在言論自由層麵上,他的言論有否損害他人,若有,出來“打假”的人應該是權益受損害者;在司法層麵上,他的作品有否剽竊,若有,出來“打假”的人應該是被剽竊者。"
Based on this logic, if you are not the victim, you should not fight against crimes. Talking about selfishness and stupidity.