what a stupid analogy

來源: abcdef654321 2012-02-09 20:02:24 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (808 bytes)
回答: 中國為什麽總要封鎖消息?牛氣衝天2012-02-09 19:32:11

Do you know that government needs to be transparent? Government is not a family that needs 隱私. It needs to be watched all the time by all the citizens. "家人吵鬧"? who is 家人? Does Bo Xilai think that you are his 家人? All government officials are not 家人. They have been given power by the citizens and therefore must report to all citizens when necessary. If you want to be a slave of the government, go ahead. Just do not ask others to be slaves too.



It is because the Chinese government always blocks the news, there are rumors. If Chinese government tells the truth in the first place, there will not be rumors.


Only people brain-washed by their government believe that.  



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