真是我寫的嗎 - 溫哥華高中(8)

來源: 卉櫻果 2011-12-12 18:33:20 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (9245 bytes)

英語12級,小說讀的是名著“1984” - 喬治.奧維爾1944年寫的未來文學,有關1984年發生在英國的事情,預測40年後全世界國家分成三大勢力,都處於恐怖主義獨裁下,而英國則在一個叫作英社黨的控製中。

老師今天發下批好分的小說考卷,掂掂份量,那每天的小測試就是不值一提的小Case啦。考試有兩部分組成,前半部分用段落寫定義,主題和象征,加上人物分析等,總分為45;後半部分是In Class Writing(課堂作文),總分為6。我一般力求前半部分多拿分,課堂作文總是沒把握的。

一拿到考卷,我的老花鏡就摘下了,刷刷筆算得分:(39/45+4.5/6) = ?

啊?  哇 ~我的眼睛放光,我的嘴巴張大,80.9吔~不敢相信,再算。。。真的吔~ 我立馬埋頭偷笑,繼而又覺得這樣的幸福不讓別人分享豈不自私,於是仰首作無聲狂笑狀 - ~ 連連振臂三次,Yeah!Yeah! Yeah!


我趕快把耳朵邊的嘴角拉回來,看老師的評語,評語不錯,不看了。偶幾乎等不住地重讀自己的作文,不讀倒算了,一讀,更呆了!這麽好的課堂作文!是我寫的嗎?於是,心裏忍不住自誇起來: 好~相當好~ 怎麽會這麽好,是我寫的嗎?簡直不相信哦!

放學回家的路上,心情超級好,等SkyTrain的時候,對著每個陌生人都微笑,心裏又責怪自己:幹嗎啦你,要樂就偷著樂,人家還以為你是 Idiot 呢!

回家後,把考卷上的作文輸入電腦。一邊打字,一邊有點悲哀,以後臨場發揮再也不可能這麽充分這麽超常了~ 自從11年級開始,英語這門學科任何考試還沒拿過75分呢。上個單元短篇小說考試,隻有64


 Personal Relationships are replaced by Devotion to the Party

The Manipulation of personal relationship is one of the means for adictatorship to keep its power. In the novel of 1984, written byGeorge Orwell, a hu*****and and his wife are the tools to produce moremembers for the Party; children are taught as spies to theirparents. Moreover, there is no friendly or privacte conversationbetween colleagues. The personal relationships are placed bydevotion to the Party.

The basic foundation of a family is the lovebetween the couple; however, with a perfect propaganda carried bythe Party, the love feeling is dismissed in the family. The Partyeducates young people that “sexual intercourse is (was) to belooked on as a slightly disgusting minor operation(.)”; meanwhile,the party forces a new concept of the purpose of sexuality – tomake a future party member. In this case, the marriage and loveloss their original meaning and far away from human being’s naturalinstinct. By doing so, the Party is able to transfer people’sdesire of love into “War fever and leader worship.”

Not only the couple is the victim to the Party, so are thechildren, who look as the hope to the Party for futuredictatorship. Therefore, to alter the relationship between parentsand their kids is another important task to the Party. The childrenare educated to anti-sex, loyalty to the Party. They are equippedby most advantage tool, which can be installed in the keyhole ofthe bedrooms. Mr. Parson, though he is proud of kids children’sloyalty to the Party, is arrested by thought police. His owndaughter and son, who are listening to Parson’s speech in hisdream, convince the evidence of his crime. The party takes awaychildren’s respect to their parents, and makes children’snon-doubtful faith to the dictatorship. With this "education”technique, the Party is in a hope of being capable to maintain itsoligarch regime forever.

Since the family image and structure aretortured by the Party, the personal friendship between colleaguesis coldhearted as well. In fact, there is no one who can be trustedas a “friend”. The Party invents “collective” activities to keepeyes on every one. Any private conversation will cause thesuspicion by “tele-screen” or though police. Eventually, Party isable to control its party members physically and psychologically.What the people can talk to and trust is only the Party.

It is no doubt that the Party succeeds in 1984 to alter thepersonal relationship into the hatred to the Party’s enemy and theworship to the Party itself, though it is against human nature andfreedom. To destroy any relationship between individuals is to setup an unshakable relationship between individuals (who are ruled bythe Party) and the Party.

                                 把自己奉獻給黨- 替代一切人際關係


家庭的基礎是夫妻之間的愛;然而,在黨的精湛的宣傳下,愛的感覺在家中已經蕩然無存。黨教導年輕人:性交是一種令人厭惡的低下的操作;同時,黨把新概念強力灌輸到夫妻之間性交的目的 -為黨,製造未來的黨員。在這種情況下,家庭和愛情的失去了原本的意義,人類的天性被扭曲。黨,因而能將人們對愛的渴望轉化成為對戰爭的狂熱和對領袖的崇拜。

不僅僅夫妻是黨的犧牲品,兒童作為黨在將來專製製度的希望,也逃不出黨的摧殘。改變父母與他們孩子們關係,因而成了黨的另一重要任務。黨教育孩子們反對男女之間的性,忠誠於黨。還被配備了最先進的工具和設施,其中之一的竊聽器能安裝在臥室的鑰匙孔中。帕森先生是黨的忠實信徒,雖然他為自己孩子對黨的忠誠感到驕傲,然而,他就是因為孩子們的出賣而被思想警察被捕,送進了監獄 -他的親生女兒和兒子,偷聽到父親睡夢中的反黨言論,確認他們父親犯了思想罪。黨就是這樣掠走了兒童們對父母的尊重,使孩子們對黨無限忠誠。采用這一教育手法,黨希望它能有能力永遠維持它的一黨專政體製


毫無疑義,在小說1984中,黨成功地改變了人際關係,雖然這種改變違背了人類的本性和自由 - 它把人們的感情轉移到對黨的無限狂熱忠誠

 2007 - 11

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