2025 美國霸權崩潰是不可能的!! 中國到是有一種從2020年開始崩潰的趨勢.

來源: freesina 2011-02-28 21:10:20 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1623 bytes)

Will China fragment by 2020?  

 by George Friedman

You need extremely powerful arguments to back statements like this one, and Friedman has them. He looks at China from a number of angles many others have not considered – and his arguments make sense. .China has a number of geographical and cultural hurdles that will prove very tough to overcome“I don’t share the view that China is going to be a major world power,” he writes. “ China is important, however, because it appears to be the most likely global challenger in the near term – at least in the minds of others.”I don’t even believe it will hold together as a unified country...




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