
來源: 人類拯救計劃 2010-08-23 14:54:39 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2352 bytes)

一部春秋史(There is a history of the Zhou dynasty)

千年孤臣淚(which records the solitude and suffering of loyal courtiers)

成敗難長久(from which we learn that/ neither success nor failure will last forever)

興亡在轉瞬間(prosperity and adversity always happen in a blink of eyes)

總在茶餘後(after these events passed away / they become only anecdotes)

供於後人說(for people to gossip about)

多少辛酸話因果(even tragedies become merely stories with moral lessons)

百戰舊河山(Through endless battles on our homeland)

古來功難全(no everlasting accomplishment is ever achieved)

江山幾局殘(our magnificent landscape becomes devastated after ambitious and cruel warfare)

荒城重拾何年(not to mention the restoration of ruined cities)

文章寫不盡(even poetry cannot depict completely)

幽幽滄桑史(these pitiful vicissitudes)

悲歡歲月盡無情(all the years of joy and sorrow seem in vain)

長江長千裏(The Yangtze River flows a thousand miles)

黃河水不停(the Yellow River keeps running)

江山依舊人事已非(the scenery evermore, while its story nevermore)

隻剩古月照今塵(there remains only the same moonlight/ shining upon the same earth / from the ancient past to the present)

莫負古聖賢(don’t disappoint the historical sages and virtuous men)

效臨朝英雄(emulate the heroes in the past)

再造一個輝煌的漢疆和唐土(so that we may re-create a golden age/ with boundless lands as the Han and Tang dynasties)



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