


Rule of Law and Public Participation
To strengthen the rule of law, enhance citizens’ awareness of their legal rights, enhance norms of access to information and the free flow of information, and broaden participation in public policy debates. Projects will support a variety of educational, research, policy analysis, and legal aid activities.

American Center for International Labor Solidarity
To empower workers, promote government accountability, and improve access to justice in China. The Solidarity Center, in cooperation with local partners, will sponsor research, education programs, trainings, and seminars to build effective networks in specific industrial sectors, as well as enhance the capacity of stakeholders to initiate viable labor regulation reforms related to worker safety and health.

American Center for International Labor Solidarity
To promote labor rights and government accountability. The Solidarity Center’s partner organization conducts in-depth research on labor issues, disseminates a variety of research and educational publications, and engages in related legal aid and advocacy activities.

American Center for International Labor Solidarity
To promote labor rights in China. The Solidarity Center will cooperate with local partners to conduct trainings and other outreach activities to raise awareness of labor rights, particularly as they relate to occupational safety and health.

American Center for International Labor Solidarity
To promote awareness among Chinese workers of their rights. The Solidarity Center and its partner will continue distribution of its worker rights information CDs inside China as well as frequent interviews with the international and Chinese press.

American Center for International Labor Solidarity
To strengthen enforcement of the Labor Contract Law and other labor protections in China. The Solidarity Center’s partner organization will conduct education workshops for workers, and publish and distribute a study guide regarding the Labor Contract Law and other relevant regulations.

American Federation of Teachers Educational Foundation (AFTEF)
To encourage the introduction of democratic teaching methods in classrooms. The AFTEF will assist local partners to conduct a variety of workshops and produce educational materials for distribution in hard copy and on the Internet.

Asia Catalyst
To function as a regional forum and facilitate cross-border linkages among NGOs. Asia Catalyst will develop a Chinese-language informational website that will include resources for NGOs and post information about human rights, social justice, and environmental protection initiatives.

Beijing Dongzhen-Nalan Cultural Communication Co., Limited (BDNCCC)
$36,500 *
To strengthen civil society and advance respect for human rights. BDNCCC will facilitate several trainings for civic groups to introduce to participants basic concepts of human rights and organizational development skills, such as management systems, leadership, and team building.

Beijing Spring Magazine
To publish the monthly Chinese-language magazine Beijing Spring, which carries analysis and commentary by authors inside and outside China regarding political developments, social issues, and the prospects for democratization in China.

Beijing Yirenping Information & Counseling Center, LLC
To promote the rule of law and the development of public interest law in China. The Center will maintain a telephone hotline to provide citizens with legal aid, conduct research regarding legal reforms and produce related public reports, make policy recommendations to relevant authorities, and hold a discussion series for lawyers and concerned citizens.

Beijing Zhiaixing Information Counseling Company Limited
To operate a diverse program promoting accountability and human rights. The work of the organization will include legal aid, investigative reporting, activist training, and human rights documentation related to HIV/AIDS and other public health threats.

Celeluck Company, Ltd.
To promote free discussion and analysis of current events and political issues. Celeluck will publish a series of Chinese-language books on issues related to the future of democracy and human rights in China. The organization will also continue to issue its monthly periodical, Open Magazine, known for its exposés and timely analysis of trends and newsworthy events in China.

Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)
To enhance the capacity of business associations and other NGOs. CIPE and its partner organization will collect and disseminate information on management best practices, and publish a guidebook promoting a better model of self-governance for independent organizations.

Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)
To encourage good governance and enhance private-sector participation in public policy debates on key reform issues. CIPE will support local partners in China to conduct regular symposia on China’s economic and governance reforms, in which independent voices can engage government officials in policy discussions.

Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)
To encourage advocacy efforts by raising awareness of key reform issues. CIPE will work with its partner in China to hold weekly policy forums. These forums will focus on themes such as political and economic reforms, civil society development, and social justice.

Center for Modern China
To maintain a forum for informed and responsible debate of public policy questions. The Center will publish Modern China Studies, a quarterly Chinese-language scholarly journal that features economic and social science research concerning liberal, democratic solutions to contemporary policy questions in China. In addition, the Center will engage in a historical memory project that gives voice to alternative views of an important historical event.

China Aid Association
To promote religious freedom in China. China Aid will publish the Chinese Law & Religion Monitor, a semi-annual journal containing analysis and documentation of religious issues and human rights abuses suffered by religious believers. China Aid will also maintain an online library of reference materials, including Chinese- and English-language full-text copies of laws and regulations governing religious practices in China.

China Free Press
To expand the space for free expression. China Free Press will host banned and censored Chinese pro-democracy websites that provide a platform for discussion and debate on current events and pressing social, political and economic questions facing China. China Free Press will also maintain a dedicated civil rights page as a forum for reports, commentary, and appeals by citizens.

China Information Center
To provide an alternative source of news and opinion for audiences in China. The Center will disseminate news, commentary, and independent analysis of developments in China and important international events through two Chinese-language websites and an email list.

Democratic China, Inc.
To promote well-informed and uncensored dialogue on issues relevant to China’s political development. The grantee will publish weekly the online Chinese-language magazine Minzhu Zhongguo (Democratic China), which carries news and analysis by authors inside and outside of China regarding current affairs, culture, history, and international relations.

Friends of China Labour Bulletin
To promote labor rights and government accountability. The organization conducts in-depth research on labor issues, disseminates a variety of research and educational publications, and engages in related legal aid and advocacy activities.

Human Rights in China (HRIC)
To advance internationally recognized human rights in China. HRIC facilitates the work of domestic groups in building an effective agenda for social, legal, and political development through collaborative research and education, print and electronic publications, and advocacy.

Independent Chinese PEN Center
To promote freedom of expression in China. Activities will include translation of materials on freedom of expression into Chinese, publishing banned materials to enable Chinese readers to have access to diverse views and literary works despite official censorship, and organizing domestic and international advocacy campaigns on behalf of imprisoned writers and journalists.

Initiatives for China
To promote inter-ethnic understanding, mutual trust, and cooperation among prodemocracy activists from different ethnic groups in China. Initiatives for China will organize an inter-ethnic conference with conflict resolution workshops and panel discussions on democracy, human rights, and religious freedom.

International Republican Institute (IRI)
To expand the space for civic engagement in China by supporting citizen groups and coalitions. The program will help strengthen the capacity of Chinese civic organizations and coalitions by providing opportunities for international exchange and by supporting partner organizations’ research, monitoring, and education activities.

International Republican Institute (IRI)
To promote legislative and legal reform on workplace and property rights discrimination. IRI will facilitate the work of its partner organization to conduct research and education activities, hold workshops, and develop and distribute a training handbook, model guidelines, reports, and other publications.

Laogai Research Foundation
To campaign for the abolition of the laogai labor camps. The Foundation will carry out investigation and documentation of the Chinese system of labor camps, while also undertaking a program of timely research exposing other human rights problems in China.

Princeton China Initiative
To promote media freedoms and civic engagement via the Internet in China. The program will bring together specialists in Internet technology to exchange information and create online tools that can be used by ordinary Chinese citizens, journalists and social activists for “citizen journalism” and civic-oriented, open communication.

Princeton China Initiative
To promote human rights in China. The Princeton China Initiative will carry out a broad program of support for human rights projects to enhance transparency, accountability, legal knowledge, and access to justice.

Princeton China Initiative
To provide an effective forum for free expression and stimulate liberal debate on China’s international role. Princeton China Initiative will publish China in Perspective Magazine, which will provide a pluralistic platform for Chinese writers to discuss issues related to comparative democratization, Chinese foreign policy making, responsible international behavior, and nationalism.

Southern Mongolian Human Rights Information Center (SMHRIC)
To advance the human rights of ethnic Mongols in China. SMHRIC will report on the human rights conditions in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, also known as Southern Mongolia, through a website and an English- and Mongolian- language electronic publication, Southern Mongolia Watch.


China (Hong Kong)

American Center for International Labor Solidarity
To foster freedom of association and other worker rights in China and Hong Kong. Local partners will seek to strengthen civil society by building members’ advocacy capacity, expanding the current labor union base, encouraging the participation of unions and their members in democratic processes, strengthening a migrant workers assistance network, and increasing union members’ access to legal assistance and knowledge of labor law.

Civic Exchange
To engage the public in discussion of governance reforms. Civic Exchange will carry out a diverse program of research and public education on key topics related to universal suffrage and electoral and constitutional reform.

Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor
To raise the standards of human rights protection and democratic representation in Hong Kong. The Monitor will carry out human rights reporting, casework, campaigning, and public education drawing local and international attention to civil and human rights developments in Hong Kong.


China (Tibet)

Gu-Chu-Sum Movement of Tibet
To provide support to Tibetan political prisoners and educate Tibetans in exile about human rights conditions in China. Gu-Chu-Sum will run a school for former political prisoners, support serving and former political prisoners in Tibet, sponsor a lecture tour and human rights workshops, maintain a human rights desk, and publish a bi-monthly human rights newsletter.

International Campaign for Tibet (ICT)
To improve understanding of human rights and democracy-related concerns in Tibet among Chinese, both in China and abroad, and increase communication between Tibetans and Chinese. ICT will facilitate interaction between Tibetan and Chinese officials, academics, and others through meetings, conferences, and the publication of a Chinese-language newsletter and website.

Khawa Karpo -Tibet Culture Centre
$25,500 *
To provide news and analysis to the Tibetan public and promote greater discussion and debate on current issues related to Tibet and Tibetans. Khawa Karpo will publish the weekly Tibetan-language newspaper, Bo-Kyi-Bang-Chen (Tibet Express), and maintain a tri-lingual website.

International Tibet Support Network (ITSN)
$45,000 *
To coordinate and build the capacity of the worldwide Tibet movement through a series of meetings, trainings, and workshops. ITSN will coordinate international campaigns focused on the 2008 Beijing Olympics, human rights, and environmental and economic rights in Tibet.

Social Economic and Cultural Development Fund
$20,000 *
To increase Tibetans’ access to information by maintaining a library and learning center. The Fund will sponsor language and computer classes, hold discussion meetings for the general public, and maintain an Internet café to provide greater access to information for the community.

Tibet Museum
$15,000 *
To preserve and present material related to modern Tibetan history and educate visitors about the Tibetan culture and people. The Tibet Museum will maintain and operate its Dharamsala-based museum, “Demton Khang,” display a touring exhibition, organize seminars and lectures, publish a newsletter and brochures, and maintain a website.

Tibetan Literacy Society
To provide the Tibetan public with independent and accurate information on developments in Tibet and in the exile community, and promote open discussion among intellectuals and a general readership on civic issues, including human rights and democracy. The Tibetan Literacy Society will publish and distribute throughout the Tibetan community in exile and in Tibet Bod-Kyi-Dus-Bab (Tibet Times), a Tibetan-language newspaper published three times a month.

Tibetan Parliamentary and Policy Research Centre (TPPRC)
To improve the understanding of elected Tibetan parliamentarians-in-exile on the Tibetan Charter and institutions of the Tibetan government-in-exile as well as the structure and functions of the Chinese political and legal systems. TPPRC will organize a six-day workshop for elected members of the Tibetan parliament-in-exile to discuss and explore the Chinese and Tibetan legal and political systems.

Tibetan Review Trust Society
$30,000 *
To promote freedom of the press and improve understanding of democratic concepts in the Tibetan exile community. The organization will publish a monthly English-language news magazine, Tibetan Review, that provides Tibetans in exile and the international community with Tibet-related news, insightful editorials and opinion pieces, including articles written by prominent journalists, academics, and others interested in Tibetan issues.

Tibetan Women's Association (Central)
$15,000 *
To promote the social, political, and economic empowerment of Tibetan refugee women and raise awareness of human rights violations against women in Tibet. The Tibetan Women’s Association will publish a bi-monthly newsletter and a bilingual magazine, and advocate for the rights of Tibetan women within the Tibetan exile community, the Asian region, and internationally.

Voice of Tibet
To encourage and sustain independent public opinion inside Tibet and to familiarize Tibetans with the ideals of democracy and human rights. The Voice of Tibet, an independent, Tibetan-language shortwave radio station, will broadcast regular news about Tibet, the Tibetan exile community, and the Tibetan government-in-exile to listeners in Tibet and in neighboring countries.


China (Xinjiang)

International Uyghur Human Rights and Democracy Foundation
To advance the human rights of ethnic Uyghur women and children. The Foundation will maintain an English- and Uyghur-language website, publish a report on the human rights situation of Uyghur women and children and conduct a civic-education workshop for Uyghur women.

International Uyghur PEN Club
To promote freedom of expression for writers creating work in the Uyghur language. The International Uyghur PEN Club will maintain a website publishing banned writings and the works of persecuted poets, historians, journalists, and others, and will conduct international advocacy campaigns on behalf of imprisoned writers.

Uyghur American Association (UAA)
To raise awareness of Uyghur human rights issues and advance Uyghurs’ religious freedom and human rights. The UAA’s Uyghur Human Rights Project will research, document and bring to international attention, independent and accurate information about human rights violations affecting the Turkic populations of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.

World Uyghur Congress
To strengthen advocacy on behalf of Uyghur human rights and democracy. The World Uyghur Congress will solicit its members to prepare strategy papers and will organize a major conference bringing together prodemocracy Uyghur leaders to discuss priorities for the Uyghur movement in the areas of advocacy, outreach, and democracy education.


砸了不少錢, -子英- 給 子英 發送悄悄話 子英 的博客首頁 (28 bytes) () 01/27/2010 postreply 09:19:12

說那個年代啊, -子英- 給 子英 發送悄悄話 子英 的博客首頁 (85 bytes) () 01/27/2010 postreply 12:30:29

不怎麽心疼,:), -子英- 給 子英 發送悄悄話 子英 的博客首頁 (36 bytes) () 01/27/2010 postreply 13:24:33

很久沒有見到老王的新文章了,現在擱筆了嗎? -b93721- 給 b93721 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/27/2010 postreply 18:57:42
