回複:以GDP衡量影響力及中國增長靠對美出口是誤讀 中國引領全球經濟複蘇!

來源: panlm 2009-10-14 07:28:34 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (641 bytes)
Finally, there is an article like this one that indicates that China is now the largest economy in the world in terms of production, raw materials (including minerals) consumed, and products exported, as I pointed out years ago. Sure, even based on ppp, China is also the largest economy. The only problem in China is the average income of common people in China is still relatively low.

I wish that the Chinese government should focus on demostic markets, allow the people to enjoy the accomplishments of economic development. I am very happy to see this is taking place in China under the leadship of President Hu and Premier Wen.


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