回複:副教育部長郝平稱中國科研能力世界第五 遭質疑(圖)

來源: panlm 2009-10-12 13:32:22 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1766 bytes)
I am not surprising at the statement that China is standing on no.5 based on the number of sci papers in the world. In fact, in terms of papers including sci papers and papers in Chinese published by scientists in China should stand on the no.1 position, because the number of scientists in China is now the biggist in the world.

I will not be surprised either that China will publish the largest number of sci papers in the world in the near future. It is hard to evaluate the level of science research for a country. The number of sci papers is of cource one of important criteria. The most important criterion is the number of citation of the papers published. For example, a very productive Chinese chemist was reported to publish 24 sci papers in a year, in other words, two papers in a month. But, if you look at the number of citation of his papers, you would find that his papers were poorly cited by other scientists in his field. In this case, I suggest that he should stop publishing so many papers but should publish few high impact papers. The problems are now in Chinese scientific communuty pursuing the number of sci papers published per year or per project, and are ignoring the impact of paper published. Chinese Academy of Sciences and China Ministry of Education and Technology should stress the impact of sci papers published by Chinese scientists. For example, one scientist only published one sci papers in a year, and this paper has been cited by other scientists in my field for 24 times in the period of two years since it was published. I should say that this paper is much better that that guy mentioned above who published 24 papers in a year but the number of citation is nil except for that he cited his papers himself.



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