It is your personal choice. No one else would care.

本文內容已被 [ yun99 ] 在 2009-08-14 18:45:44 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

Life is about choices. Get something, and lost something else.
IF this is more important to you: "換了國籍,你在中國,可以享受到比中國人還優越的政策,端著外籍華人的名號,你可以不用辦理什麽暫住證和居住證", then please, just become a Canadian Citizen.

I think in current situation, it is good for China as a nation to protect itself. "果中國實施雙重國籍,出入是方便了,但出現問題時,中國政府會以中國公民來對待加拿大華人,與中國境內的同胞一視同仁,加以處理。這顯然不是大多數移民海外的大陸人所希望見到". We have seen this many times: someone went back to China and did bad things and claimed himself a Canadian citizen.....
