English is a international language.

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It is not a surprise to find some chinese visitors in all of the world, with strong accient, and broken English, which obstacle the communication betewwn the chinese and all non-sino world. It why the western country will always misunderstanding China and chinese people. I feel the opinion to stop the education of English has the as same effect as the that of stopping mordern education like Math, Science in later of 19th centuary in fuderal Society. The result of the stopping of mordern English education will further isolate China and chinese people from the other world. Therefore, the dream of the mordernization of Chine will never ever be realized in a as short period as possible. In the opposite to the stopping English education in China, I will say English education in China should copy the Hong Kong or Sigapore and let it become popular more and more. Without the control in English will not lead a mordern country of China.
