
本文內容已被 [ 好酒 ] 在 2009-10-22 10:24:19 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

"Let me talk about the guy throwing his shoe. It's one way to gain attention. It's like going to a political rally and having people yell at you. It's like driving down the street and having people not gesturing with all five fingers." --讓我說一下這位丟鞋子的年青人,它隻是引起人們注意的一種方式。就象一個政治集會,有人抗議你。就象在街道上開車,人家沒有用5個手指頭致意。
中國總理溫家寶事後對記者說:“This despicable behaviour cannot stand in the way of friendship between China and the UK.” --這種卑鄙無恥的行為不會影響中英關係
