Invsible hand in wealth of nation

來源: johnliu12345 2024-07-23 10:05:37 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1235 bytes)
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like animal farm george orwell. Because there is still a prime minister in the end. And even people say that adam smith wrote that free trade, but he still had duties that is not so free. In a feudal land is more family based like a master or lord landlord. But in the west power is handed to those in power consensus as in a republic, not to the son or grandson. The french revolution was implemented but to say no government invisible hand that is fomenting unrest. And even british wrote the book the animal farm which means there is still order. Even russia quoted animal farm in the un. And the british wrote tale of 2 cities. There is still a class in capitalism. Which communism criticizes but in the end everyone chose a class system over communism. But that doesn't mean the rich has all the money and force the poor off a cliff. It is ideas like invisible hand causing the french revolution wuhan revolution and tsarist revolution so we have now a republic. No longer feudal lords. In a class system, we want people to aspire to a middle class, because there is still an upper class a ruling class. Our objective is to live comfortable with food and shelter not crazy rich asian or flaunting wealth like jack ma.



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