Dress code as economy

來源: johnliu12345 2024-07-22 22:18:56 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1248 bytes)

We should encourage people to dress professionally and comfortably not in rags. It is people with money who know more how to make a nation rich. Because they understand how to make money themselves. Part of ming dynasty that became impoverished and people starved and rebelled was that they taught people to be cheap and not spend money at all. We should encourage people to be middle class dress professionally and spend some of the money they make. Not to tell everyone to be rich and buy very expensive goods they can't afford but to live a comfortable life. In macro economics, government want people to spend to consume to create jobs, but as individuals you do need to save money in order to spend them on the things you really value. This is a balancing act, but in time of the country being poor you should encourage rich people to take over and encourage people to spend. Under jiang zemin when china was very poor, they needed jack ma dalian wanda. But china is not as poor now, china should encourage people to live comfortable lives, lives they can afford. At this time china is the second largest economy, china doesn't need tycoons as badly but still should encourage people to buy what they want and can afford.



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