China should try to boost some consumer spending

來源: johnliu12345 2024-07-21 19:37:25 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1070 bytes)
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I think china should have some food stamp. So to feed its people as promised by the government. Like xi jingping always show that he wants to combat poverty, well some welfare in china would do that.  In the west, people on welfare shouldn't get paid as much as people with jobs. For example, americans on welfare get generic drugs not brand drugs and food stamp not as much money. But it does promote security and consumer spending. Right now chinese government has money and instead of building houses that nobody wants creating bubbles, through statistics and data, if with enough money at least china can put money into citizen's hand and this way there is consumption. And people who feel more secure would be willing to spend. And with more spending deflation will go down. Like everyone says chinese need to spend more and americans save more. If not food stamp china should open up soup kitchens where they feed the poor. In this way, the government is leading the way in showing that money is not just for saving but for spending too.



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