The importance of trade wealth of nation

來源: johnliu12345 2024-07-21 18:11:02 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (825 bytes)
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Trade is through the waterways like oceans. Part of the reason japan is more industrial and moved ahead of china is geography. It is an ocean nation like Britain. Trade brought outside ideas, western ideas, factories and raw materials, and farm products like food to Japan. Even though japan is small and resource poor but trade through ocean changed that. Part of the war against USA in world war 2 is over trade. American sancions against japan. Russia wants crimea and ukraine over ocean. The most important thing is trade and through that factory. Everyone says free trade, and then you should understand how important trade is. The COVID crisis brought a standstill to travel and trade, and now america is poorer because of inflationa and china deflation through a disruption to the supply chain and trade.



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