China as a vital cog in the global supply chain

來源: johnliu12345 2024-07-21 15:34:16 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1198 bytes)
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When chinese president xi jingping met biden in california, he wanted to restart the supply chain after covid crisis. The biggest problem for china after covid is that the USA which leads the west want to cut china off from the developed nation supply chain. This in turn will hurt the chinese economy, china needs to find customers like through the belt and road initiative. Which means even if china needs to bribe the less advanced nations to get the raw material as part of china's supply chain, china should do it. Even if selling weapons for example to sudan's ruling party in order to do business and keep them in power. We all want a world of no conflict but someone has to do the dirty job when the world is not answering your call especially since the USA wants to cut china off from the global supply chain. Of course we are not going to say we are bribing them. Just like america and saudi arabia, supporting non democracy with weapons even though america preach democracy. But then china is a republic not a democracy anyway. As long as power is not passed father to son like a republic, china did not disappoint mao who did not pass power to his son but instead deng.



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