為什麽中國領先世界——而美國永遠不會知道Why China leads the world – and America will never know
本周,作家詹姆斯·霍華德·昆斯特勒向我提問《為什麽中國引領世界:人才在頂端,數據在中間,民主在頂端》 。Why China Leads the World: Talent at the top, Data in the middle, Democracy at the top this week.
他是一個典型的、受過教育、聰明的美國人,他關於中國的信息的唯一來源是《He’s a typical, educated, intelligent American whose sole source of information about China is the 紐約時報》New York Times。他的語氣很客氣,沒有透露出他不相信我告訴他的任何事情。. His tone was civil and he gave no clue that he believed nothing I told him.
當他發布采訪時,他給我貼上了巨魔的標簽。When he released the interview, he labeled me a troll.
保持優雅,吉姆!Stay classy, Jim!
這是我在采訪前發給他的提綱:Here’s the outline I sent him prior to the interview:
黨員PARTY PEOPLE:共產黨的九千萬黨員每年貢獻十億美元的會費和數十億小時的誌願服務。他們宣誓“先受人民之苦,後享受人民之福”。新冠疫情爆發時,其中 48,000 人飛往武漢,90% 的死亡員工都是會員。很少有人為政府工作,從會員資格中受益的人更少,但他們決定了國家的方向。 : The Communist Party’s ninety million members contribute a billion dollars in annual dues and billions of volunteer hours. They took an oath to ‘bear the people’s hardships first and enjoy the benefits last’. 48,000 of them flew into Wuhan when Covid broke out and 90% of staff deaths were members. Few work for the government and even fewer benefit from membership, yet they determine the country's direction.
那些取悅人民的人THOSE WHO PLEASE THE PEOPLE。中國選擇政客的方式與美國海軍選擇海軍上將的方式相同,並且對待他們的方式也類似。他們從前百分之二的大學畢業生中挑選出來,離開家多年,薪水微薄,獲得博士學位,接受命令,執行令人厭惡的任務,遵守限製性的道德準則,對下屬的錯誤負責,不斷評估、審查、嚐試在特別法庭受到比平民更嚴厲的懲罰。中國的精英從來都是非世襲的,幾千年來他們一直是國家的英雄。. China chooses politicians the way the US Navy chooses admirals and treats them similarly. Chosen from the top two percent of university graduates, theyspend years away from home, are modestly paid, earn PhDs, take orders, perform distasteful missions, observe a restrictive moral code, are held responsible for subordinates’ mistakes, constantly assessed, scrutinized, tried in special courts and punished more severely than civilians. China's elite has always been non-hereditary, and they’ve been the country's heroes for millennia.
數據驅動的民主DATA-DRIVEN DEMOCRACY。從憲法上、選舉上、普選上、程序上、操作上、實質上、財政上,中國都是民主的。卡特中心負責監督選舉,選民參與度高於我們,而且在一次又一次的調查中,他們信任他們的政府,並表示政府滿足了他們的需求。 . Constitutionally, electively, popularly, procedurally, operationally, substantively, and financially, China is democratic. The Carter Center oversees elections, voter participation is higher than ours and, in survey after survey, they trust their government and say it responds to their needs.
大同A 經濟。_ DATONG七十年來,中國經濟增長速度是我們的三倍,到 2028 年,規模將是我們的兩倍。他們的研發支出是其四倍,並且在大多數科學和技術方麵處於世界領先地位。 ECONOMY. For seventy years China’s economy has grown three times faster than oours and, by 2028, will be twice as big. They spend four times more on R&D and lead the world in most sciences and technologies.
糧倉已滿THE GRANARY IS FULL。由於北京將 GDP 的 59% 用於工資,幾十年來收入增長一直超過 GDP,到 2023 年,96% 的人擁有住房、工作、充足的食物、教育、安全的街道、醫療保健和養老金。他們的母親和嬰兒在分娩時能更好地存活下來,他們的孩子比我們早三年讀完研究生,並且壽命更長、更健康。現在美國的吸毒者、自殺者和處決者、無家可歸者、窮人、饑餓者和被監禁者都比中國多。. Because Beijing allocates 59% of GDP to wages, incomes have outgrown GDP for decades and, by 2023, 96% of people owned a home and had a job, plenty of food, education, safe streets, health care and old age pensions. Their mothers and infants survive childbirth better, their children graduate school three years ahead of ours and live longer, healthier lives. There are now more drug addicts, suicides and executions, more homeless, poor, hungry and imprisoned people in America than in China.
每個月一個舊金山A SAN FRANCISCO EVERY MONTH。自1951年以來,中國每個月建造的城市相當於一座舊金山。現在他們正在建設城市V2.0,為600萬人口建造一個清潔、綠色的家園,融合了5G、無人駕駛電動汽車、磁懸浮列車、廣闊的濕地和盛行風。該項目將於 2024 年開業,旨在通過將居民的生產力提高一倍來收回成本。 . China has built the equivalent of one San Francisco every month since 1951. Now they’re building City V2.0, a clean, green home for six million people that integrates 5G, driverless electric cars, maglev trains, vast wetlands and prevailing winds. Designed to pay for itself by doubling inhabitants’ productivity, it opens in 2024.
教育EDUCATION。中國的年輕人比我們早三年高中畢業。一級城市教師每周的課堂教學時間被限製為十五個小時,而他們的校長則擁有豪華轎車司機和海外休假。他們對待教育比對待心髒病更認真。. Chinese youngsters graduate high school three years ahead of ours. Tier One urban teachers are limited to fifteen hours of classroom instruction weekly and their principals have chauffeured limousines and overseas sabbaticals. They take education more seriously than heart attacks.
迷失的女孩和半邊天LOST GIRLS AND HALF THE SKY。毛澤東是一位終身婦女自由主義者,他於 1949 年簽署的第一項法案是《平等權利修正案》。“失蹤”的三千萬女孩已經找到——在學校裏毆打男孩——她們的姐姐領導著龐大的科學和國防項目,並且包括世界上大多數白手起家的女性億萬富翁。 . The first bill Mao, a lifelong women's libber, signed in 1949 was the Equal Rights Amendment. The ‘missing’ thirty million girls have been found–beating boys in school–and their big sisters lead gigantic science and defence programs and comprise most of the world’s self-made female billionaires.
宗教RELIGION。三分之二的中國人是無神論者,四分之一的人是非宗教道教徒。盡管基督教起義殺死了三千萬人並推翻了清朝,但憲法保障信仰自由,政府支持七十四所神學院、一千七百所西藏寺院、三千個宗教組織、三萬九千座清真寺、八十所寺廟。五千個宗教場所和三十萬名神職人員。. Two-thirds of Chinese are atheists and one-fourth non-religious Taoists. Though a Christian uprising killed thirty million people and brought down the Qing dynasty, the Constitution guarantees freedom of worship and the government supports seventy-four seminaries, one thousand seven hundred Tibetan monasteries, three thousand religious organizations, thirty-nine thousand mosques, eighty-five thousand religious sites and three-hundred thousand clergy.
儒家倫理與法治CONFUCIAN ETHICS AND RULE OF LAW。在所有政府服務中,中國人對其法律體係最為滿意。他們的安全預算隻有我們的四分之一,他們的警察手無寸鐵,街道很安全,監獄空無一人,很少再犯罪。最高法院的聊天網站已經擁有 20 億訪問者。. Of all government services, the Chinese are happiest with their legal system. With one-fourth of our security budget, their police are unarmed, streets are safe, prisons are empty and reoffense is rare. The Supreme Court's chatty website has had two billion visitors.
地球是我的母親EARTH IS MY MOTHER。中國人在這片土地上生活了數千年,今天的土地比以往任何時候都更加富饒。感謝美國環保署,他們避免了我們的環境災難並效仿我們的成功。如今,該國 42% 的麵積為荒野,大熊貓國家帕卡龍麵積比馬薩諸塞州還大。. The Chinese have lived on the same land for thousands of years and it’s more productive today than ever. Thanks to the EPA, they avoided our environmental disasters and emulated our successes. Today, 42% of the country is wilderness and Giant Panda National Parkalone is bigger than Massachusetts.
人權HUMAN RIGHTS:在《聯合國宣言》最初的三十項權利中,中國領先美國二十六個,並提出了美國反對的三項:食物權、住房權和國家發展權。 : Of the original thirty rights in the UN Declaration, China leads America in twenty-six and has proposed three that the US opposes: rights to food, shelter and national development.
腐敗CORRUPTION:說真話、信守承諾的政府是世界上最值得信賴的。盡管許多地方官員在繁榮時期變得不誠實,但政策製定並未受到影響。現在,人工智能和專門的內閣級反腐敗部門占據了上風。 : The government, which tells the truth and keeps its promises, is the most trusted on earth. Though many local officials became dishonest during the boom, policy-making remained untouched. NowAI and a dedicated, Cabinet-level anti-corruption department have the upper hand.
宣傳PROPAGANDA:: “宣川” xuānchuán,“以模範行為和指導來改造人民”,自古以來一直是政府的責任。中國推出新項目的成功取決於此。, ‘transforming the people through exemplary behavior and instruction,’ has been a government responsibility since ancient times. China’s success in rolling out new programs depends on it.
討論暫停DISCUSSION IS SUSPENDED。都禦史已有兩千多年的曆史,其現任者一直都是國家的首席知識分子。如今,他是一位著名作家,也是一名內閣成員。他監管著世界上最大、最富有、最值得信賴的媒體,他的職責是符合憲法的:“一旦一項政策被廣泛討論、投票並立法,討論就會暫停,而每個人都會團結起來實施它”。 . The Office of Chief Censor is two thousand years old and its incumbent is, and has always been, the country’s leading intellectual. Today, he's a famous author and also a Cabinet member. He oversees the world’s largest, richest, most trusted media and his mandate is constitutional: “Once a policy has been widely discussed, voted on and legislated, discussion is suspended while everyone unites to implement it”.
天安門狂歡THE TIANANMEN CAPER。通貨膨脹、種族、性別、工資和失去大學獎學金引發了天安門廣場示威。. Inflation, race, sex, wages and loss of university scholarships triggered the Tiananmen Square demonstration. President Clinton discussed it on Chinese national TV for an hour, but the story ended with an 克林頓總統在中國國家電視台討論了這個問題一個小時,但故事最終在倫敦皇家法院進行了閉門審判。in camera trial in London's Crown Court.
西藏和達賴喇嘛TIBET AND THE DALAI LAMA:今天能讀和寫自己母語的藏人比曾經生活過的所有藏人還要多,而那些在兩國政府統治下生活過的人更喜歡現在的政府。自來水、學校、大學、醫院、機場、高鐵和四十年不斷上漲的工資已經帶來了變化。拉薩希爾頓酒店也是如此。 : More Tibetans can read and write their native language today than all the Tibetans who have ever lived, and those who have lived under both governments prefer the current one. Running water, schools, universities, hospitals, airports, high speed trains and forty years of rising wages have made a difference. As has the Lhasa Hilton.
霸權和人道權威HEGEMONY AND HUMANE AUTHORITY。中國軍隊在1951年羞辱了我們的軍隊,擁有比美國更多的火力,但計劃以良好的榜樣領導世界。如果做不到這一點,他們就會用比我們領先一代人的武器把美國海軍打垮。. China’s military, which humiliated ours in 1951, has more firepower than the US but plans to lead the world by virtuous example. Failing that, they'll blow the US Navy out of the water with weapons a generation ahead of ours.
大同世界 A 。_DATONG _ WORLD十年前,習近平主席提出共建“一帶一路”倡議,承諾“共同推動國際關係民主化,建設持久和平、普遍安全、共同繁榮、開放包容、清潔美麗的世界,構建人類命運共同體、共同命運共同體”。人類的行星家園。. Ten years ago President Xi founded the BRI, promising to, “Jointly promote democratization of international relations by building an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security and common prosperity–a world community of common destiny, a shared planetary home for humanity.’
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為什麽中國領先世界......以及為什麽我們不知道這一點Why China Leads the World..and why we don't know about it
(穀歌翻譯:Why China Leads the World: Talent at the top, Data in the middle, Democracy at the top )