"Little Japs (小日本)"!

"Little Japs (小日本)"!

This is why we call them "Little Japs (小日本)"!

In Chinese culture, we define "小人(Little Jerks)" as those of creatures of Selfish, Craven, Cowardly by nature, as well as Greedy and Cruel and Relentless the minute when they have an upper hand.

China had suffered from the consequence from all of the above characters; we should never forget or else history is going to repeat.





------ Original Message ------
Received: Fri, 01 Sep 2023 09:22:59 PM CDT
From: yew
To: Le
Subject: Fw: Japan Is Selfish, Craven And Cowardly 

On Fri, Sep 1, 2023 at 2:40 AM yewwrote:  


Tepco is actually an "American company" like South Korea's Samsung.   

The largest shareholder of Tepco is BlackRock of Wall Street

I wrote this 2 years ago and it still holds:

Japan Is Selfish, Craven And Cowardly                            

2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster was classified as level 7 nuclear disaster, the highest level. It was entirely a man-made disaster because

1. Japan and Tokyo Electric Power Company (also known as Toden or TEPCO) did not respond proactively to warnings and studies performed in 2000 and 2008. These were Earthquake and Tsunami Warning and Risk Study. The study proposed to relocate emergency generators to be relocated to hill site so as it will not be affected by Tsunami.

2. TEPCO made many mistakes in their rescue operations after the tsunami in 2011.

Does Japan need to discharge contaminated radioactive water into the sea?

The Production Of Contaminated Radioactive Water

First and foremost, why the damaged reactors of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant of Japan’s Tokyo Electric Power Company (hereinafter referred to as TEPCO) continue to produce so much contaminated radioactive water?  If no additional contaminated radioactive water is produced, then the only necessary security operation is to maintain the current storage for contaminated radioactive water. Then Japan needs not discharging contaminated radioactive water into the ocean, thereby avoids pollution of the ocean.

There are four damaged reactors at the Plant site. The damaged reactors are still producing contaminated radioactive water now because groundwater infiltrates the ruptured protective concrete shells of the damaged reactors. Water is then in contact with radioactive fuel of the reactors and is contaminated.

In order to prevent the contaminated radioactive water from seeping back and contaminating the groundwater, Japan pumps it out and treats it with Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS).  When the water is pumped out, the water level and pressure in the damaged reactors is reduced. In this situation, groundwater will only infiltrate the damaged reactors but cannot come out.

The treated contaminated radioactive waste water was then stored "temporarily" at site. TEPCO claimed that the waste water only contained tritium, but it was discovered that the treatment system was unreliable and could not remove a few radioactive elements. This news has been in mainstream media.

How To Avoid Producing More Contaminated Radioactive Water

How to avoid producing more nuclear-contaminated water?  In fact, this is very simple in engineering:

1) Prevent groundwater from infiltrating the damaged reactors, and 

2) Build big cover shells on top to shield out the damaged reactors.

How to avoid groundwater infiltration?  There is also a very simple solution in engineering, i.e. grout curtain, which is to inject cement grout by high pressure into the ground to form an impermeable curtain for each and every damaged reactor. This can prevent infiltration of groundwater. This is the common technique used in almost every dam. There is no mystery.

TEPCO has instead done sort of “temporary” solution - frozen soil technique, literally means freezing soil to form impermeable curtain. This means constantly removing heat by means of cooling tube or liquified air. I do not know why TEDCO stupidly choose this method, which is meant as temporary measure during short period such as for constructing a permanent work/ structure. Does anybody use this method as permanent work for a dam?

Why Japan Does Not Want To Build Grout Curtains?

Tokyo Electric Power Company represents a selfish, craven and cowardly enterprise and only cares for profit.

I guess Japan and TEPCO do not want to admit mistake of frozen soil technique. They do not want to put in more money and effort in constructing grout curtains. I also guess many Japanese are craven and cowardly and do not want to work at this site.  In any case workers should wear radiation shield protective gears.  Even then they are still craven and cowardly. Perhaps the pay is also not attractive, and the workload is heavy and work duration is very long. Thus perhaps there are no volunteers.  Japan or TEPCO can just increase pay to attract workers. There are also other means, including producing better radioactive shield for PPE, work rotation etc. But no, they are not acting in this direction at all.

If they are craven and cowardly, in fact there is a simpler way. Just cover the damaged reactors and prevent rainwater from flowing in. Just let radioactive fuel pollutes the groundwater. Declare a large Complete Restricted Zone where no human shall enter. No, Japan is only self-interested. It selfishly insists on discharging contaminated radioactive water into the ocean in two years.

In the war of aggression against China in the year 1900, it was not the Japanese government that first initiated the conflict with China, but a certain company. To put it bluntly, it was a Japanese company now renamed as 'Tepco'.  

Many people may not know about Tepco, which is responsible for the discharge of nuclear sewage in Japan. Tepco is actually an "American company" like South Korea's Samsung.   

The largest shareholder of Tepco is BlackRock of Wall Street, and the second largest shareholder is also The pioneer of Wall Street, and Japan's own Nomura Asset Management is only the third largest shareholder...

So can you understand why the Americans are silent in this incident? Because the affairs of Japan are the affairs of the United States. The decisions of the Japanese government and Japanese companies are the decisions of the United States.         

The United States launches any form of "war" against China, whether it is a trade war, a technological war, a biological war or an environmental war... Japan They are all loyal lackeys and pawns.

The whole world is already at war.

