In the 90s china started with factories, which created wealth and china became rich. With all these money the rich in china created bubble economy like america or cities such as new york. America has money through borrowing but china can't borrrow the way america can so china needs to create jobs like factories. The west are the ones with money obviously you need to work with the people with money to have money. And the west buy factory goods so obviously in order to have wealth and jobs you have to trade with the ones with money. So people started investing their money and not go through the hard times of working in a factory. Obviously the ones with money are the ones to trade with so that you have money too.
After working in factories china had money to spend. Money is used for exchanges and people had the money to exchange their labor for a better life. The same event has gone on for usa too where people with money like the cities such as new york all the money are exhanged for housing and houses are very expensive in New York. But places like upstate new york the hicks, the houses are not expensive these people don't have money and they live on hard times too on welfare. America has the connection to trade and everyone uses america's money as reserve, so america can keep borrowing money and put people on food stamps and social security. Which is not something china can do. But china should remember that even in giving up factories china can't give up all the factories because factories are what created wealth for china in the first place. China is not america where people don't work at all and can live on welfare. If china falls on hard time like now china should reconsider bringing back at least some of the factories.
Buy low and sell high. We buy from the poor not paying them that much beccause we can't sell to them but this way the poor have money too. .We work with the rich and sell to the rich. Because we are poor and they are rich so they obviously have the money for us to have money too.