
來源: ytwadk 2020-09-29 11:40:04 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (9960 bytes)
原文標題:Hunter Biden Burisma and Corruption The Impact on U.S. Government Policy and Related Concerns
調查報告來自美國參議院兩個委員會:U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and 出Governmental Affairs, 官方網站 和 U.S.Senate Committee on Finance,官方網站
d. China (第71頁起)
d. 中國
Hunter Biden and Devon Archer engaged in numerous financial transactions with Chinese nationals who had deep connections to the Communist Chinese government. These Chinese nationals included Ye Jianming, founder of CEFC China Energy Co. Ltd (CEFC) and chairman of the board for its subsidiary, the China Energy Fund Committee (CE Fund). They also included Gongwen Dong, who was Ye Jianming’s associate and reportedly executed transactions for his companies. Ye’s connections to the Communist government are extensive and, as explained below, he has been previous affiliations with the People’s Liberation Army. Based on the information received by the Committees, Ye was also financially connected to Vice President Biden’s brother, James Biden. Thus, there exists a vast web of corporate connections and financial transactions between and among the Biden family and Chinese nationals.
亨特拜登和Devon Archer參與了與中國人的幾個金融交易。而這些中國人與中國政府關係密切。這些中國人裏包括葉簡明,中國華信能源公司(CEFC)的創始人以及其下屬公司華信基金會(CE Fund)的主席。這些人離還有與葉簡明的合夥人GongWen Dong,據悉這個人負責葉公司的財務交易。葉與中共政府的聯係很廣泛,如下麵的解釋,葉以前隸屬中國人民解放軍,根據本委員會所收到的情報顯示,葉還和當時還是副總統的拜登的弟弟詹姆斯拜登有財務往來,因此有一個巨大的網絡聯係和財務交易曾經發生在拜登家族和中國人之間。
i. Hunter Biden Has Extensive Financial Connections to the Chinese Government.
i. 亨特拜登與中國政府有著廣泛的財務聯係。
Hunter Biden has extensive connections to Chinese businesses and Chinese foreign nationals that are linked to the Communist government. Those contacts bore financial fruit when his father was vice president and after he left office. For example, in June 2009, Hunter Biden had co-founded Rosemont Seneca Partners with Archer and Heinz. During 2010-2011, as a representative of Rosemont Seneca, Hunter Biden networked with representatives from Chinese state-owned enterprises and representatives of the Boston-based Thornton Group, which today describes itself as “a cross-border capital intermediary.” On its current website, the Thornton Group includes among its alliances and clients a variety of Chinese state-owned enterprises, including actors linked to Ye Jianming and his associates.
亨特拜登與中國國內的生意有著廣泛的聯係,他還和海外的中國人也聯係廣泛,這些在海外的中國人與共產黨的中國政府有密切的關係。這些關係在他父親當副總統時和離開白宮後收獲了財政上的碩果。例如2009年6月,亨特拜登與Archer和Heinz合夥成立了公司叫Rosemont Seneca。在2010到2011年間,作為Rosemont Seneca的代表與中國國營的位於波士頓的Thornton(桑頓)集團搭上了線,這個集團自稱是跨境資本中介機構。桑頓集團在其聯盟和客戶中就列舉了很多中國國營企業其中包括了與葉簡明和其合夥人聯係密切的中介機構。
Ye Jianming is a Chinese businessman and a frequent figure in Hunter Biden’s financial dealings in China. Based on public reports that were available in 2015, when his contact with Biden began to ramp up, Ye was a founder of CEFC China Energy Co. Ltd (CEFC) and served as chairman of the board for its subsidiary, the China Energy Fund Committee (CE Fund). CEFC had a reported income estimated at $33.4 billion, according to 2013 figures that were available at the time. Although CEFC reportedly remained a private company until state-owned enterprises assumed control of it in 2018, reporting in 2017 indicated that it received financing from the China Development Bank, “hired a number of former top officials from state-owned energy companies” and had “layers of Communist Party committees across its subsidiaries — more than at many private Chinese companies.” Thus, it had significant connections to the Communist government and its subsidiaries had associations with the Thornton Group. For example, according to the Thornton Group’s website, its list of Chinese partners currently includes:
葉簡明是個中國籍商人,而且是亨特拜登在中國生意的主要聯絡人。根據2015年公開的資料,葉與亨特拜登的聯係越來越多,葉當時是中國華信能源公司(CEFC)的創始人以及其下屬公司的華信基金會(CE Fund)董事會主席,據當年的報道2013年CEFC的收入是3340億美元,雖然CEFC保持著私人公司直到2018年收歸國有,但是據報道2017年這個公司從國家發展銀行獲得融資,“雇了以前國營能源公司前高管”,還在公司和下屬機構設立了黨委的規模,比其他私營公司都多。因此葉簡明的公司與中共政府有著緊密的聯係,與桑頓集團也聯係密切。以下列舉桑頓集團的目前的中國合作夥伴:
the Agricultural Bank of China, the Bank of Beijing, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, the Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs, the CAIFC, the China Electricity Council, CITIC Group, China Life, the China State Construction Engineering Corporation, the China Railway Construction Corporation, the Council for Industrial and Commercial Development, the Chinese International Economy Cooperation Association, the China Mining Association, the government-owned Founder Group, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited, and Peking University.



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