第二個EDM 曲子 - Wonder

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用 B minor 寫的, added sythn effect, 110 bpm, 算是輕快的舞曲。video 用了一些free的 , 沒花多少時間, yt profile 換成十年前的digital drawing , my digitial pen/pads has been collecting dust, a forgotten hobby。。。



感覺pro的作品的sound design is more thick ,繼續探索。


there are 100million songs in Spotify and youtube!  music is pure joy , it is magical and can transform our spirit, and promote happiness,  living in a world that have so much cruelty , conflict and suffering is not easy for anyone (mentally), more compassion and love are needed, and music is one of the best channel to radiate and spread positive energy. 





