both fit to dance in head and limb

每一天如果我們沒有跳舞一次, 對我們來說都是一種損失!每一個沒有如果笑聲迎接的真理, 對我們都是虛假的! 

From SYSUAA Journal 2021 of East Coast USA, I got this quote:“This is how I want man and woman: fit for war the one, fit for bearing children the other, but both fit to dance in head and limb. And let each day be a loss to us on which we did not dance once! And let each truth be false to us which was not greeted by one laugh! (Thus Spoke Zarathustra, chapter 56 (Old and new tables), number 23”) Friedrich Nietzsche

What did Nietzsche say about dancing?
He found the sacred through dance. As Nietzsche once said: “I would believe only in a God that knows how to dance.” Nietzsche danced daily, saying it was his “only kind of piety,” his “divine service.”Dec 11, 2010

What is truth Nietzsche quote?
“truths are illusions of which one has forgotten that they are illusions, metaphors that have become worn-out and deprived of their sensuous force, coins that have lost their imprint and are now no longer seen as coins but as metal.

What was Nietzsche's main point?
As the title of one of his books suggests, Nietzsche seeks to find a place “beyond good and evil.” One of Nietzsche's fundamental achievements is to expose the psychological underpinnings of morality. He shows that our values are not themselves fixed and objective but rather express a certain attitude toward life. 

“這就是我想要的男人和女人:一個適合戰爭,另一個適合生孩子,但都適合跳舞。每一天如果我們沒有跳舞一次, 對我們來說都是一種損失!每一個沒有如果笑聲迎接的真理, 對我們都是虛假的! (Thus Spoke Zarathustra,第 56 章(舊表和新表),第 23 號)弗裏德裏希·尼采

他通過舞蹈找到了神聖。正如尼采曾經說過的:“我隻相信會跳舞的上帝。”尼采每天都跳舞,說這是他“唯一的虔誠”,他的“神聖服務”。2010 年 12 月 11 日


