Lights Out

Lights Out

作曲,編曲, 配器: 缺口
詞 EDWARD THOMAS(19世紀英文詩,公共領域,無版權問題)
3把吉他一支鼓: 缺口
混縮: 缺口
midi編程: 缺口
人聲: Sweet Ann

I have come to the borders of sleep, 
The unfathomable deep
Forest where all must lose
Their way, however straight, 
Or winding, soon or late;
They cannot choose. 

Many a road and track
That, since the dawn’s first crack,
Up to the forest brink, 
Deceived the travellers,
Suddenly now blurs,
And in they sink.

There is not any book 
Or face of dearest look
That I would not turn from now 
To go into the unknown
I must enter, and leave, alone, 
I know not how

初來乍到, 發個原創給大家問個好。 謝謝欣賞。 (抱拳)


多謝-:))。秋葉秋雨問秋安。-:))。 -青鬆站- 給 青鬆站 發送悄悄話 青鬆站 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/25/2021 postreply 22:55:44

Brian Culbertson有同名曲,您有自己的風格,超讚! -柯睿思- 給 柯睿思 發送悄悄話 柯睿思 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/19/2021 postreply 11:17:25
