One down with one more to go - Lorrie Morgan

來源: 門前一棵鬆 2021-08-31 08:43:13 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1487 bytes)

I am a warrior of modern age, I fought the battles and felt the rage, my sails are open to a different sea, noone can take this away from me. I tasted my own sweat on the top of my mouth, ran to the North when the wind blew South, I smelled the roses and felt the thorns and with each heartache my soul is born. One more mountain to climb, one more race against time, no more looking behind one down with one more to go. I rode the stallion, breath hot as fire and each time he threw me, I saddled up higher, attacked by my own mind I managed the strength to run with a torch and challenged defeat.


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